It happens a lot during MYM, especially on the temporary campaigns. It would take ZOS about 5 minutes to monitor the top AP gain to spot this and another 10 minutes to verify it. After the first day of the event and a few temporary bans (72 hours) the word would spread and it would stop.
To clarify, the kind of boosting the OP is talking about is not the same as leaving the campaign after making EMP so the next person in line can get it.
Goregrinder wrote: »Pretty standard fight-clubbing. Been a part of MMORPG's since PVP became a thing back in the 90's.
Didn't ZoS use to punish people for this?
They definitely should. If you're willing to blatantly cheat to get it, you're willing to risk being banned imo.
xinvidiousx wrote: »Didn't ZoS use to punish people for this?
They definitely should. If you're willing to blatantly cheat to get it, you're willing to risk being banned imo.
would be nice but tbh at this point zos cant afford to ban them because theyd lose too big a chunk of players. but title/ap reverting could be a thing or even 3 day suspensions or something to discourage it
xinvidiousx wrote: »Didn't ZoS use to punish people for this?
They definitely should. If you're willing to blatantly cheat to get it, you're willing to risk being banned imo.
would be nice but tbh at this point zos cant afford to ban them because theyd lose too big a chunk of players. but title/ap reverting could be a thing or even 3 day suspensions or something to discourage it
This is like using console commands in Skyrim to give yourself an achievement, what's the point if you exploited, you think someone will respect you for using exploits?
MirelaUmbrella wrote: »So today in Evergloam on PC EU, me and my fiancée were playing at the time the campaign resetted. We noticed the person in first place had 500k score in 25 minutes (with no low pop). Of course this isn't impossible by legitimate means, but it seemed fishy considering the second place was only on 100k and this first place player was nowhere to be seen. I ported around our keeps for a while and came across a group of around 8 players split across two alliances generating defensive ticks over and over for this one player.
One of the guys who was doing the exploit whispered my fiancée "tell your wife to leave this keep, let us do our business", which confirmed to me that they were indeed exploiting def ticks to get this guy emp
I didn't make a scene out of it in zone chat at first because I didn't really have any concrete evidence, but later on I mentioned it and one of the players involved with the boosting said this:
To my surprise, a lot of people in zone chat were defending these actions, insulting us for speaking out about it, and threatened to do it again
So what do you think about this? Should ZOS be punishing players for exploiting in PvP just as they punished players who exploited for skins and such in PvE?
I also want to clarify that while me and my fiancée aren't interested in emp, there are possibly some people who take days off work and put real time and effort in, just to be smashed by some people breaking the rules of the game.
Maybe ZOS should change the way AP is awarded, like having a cooldown on AP gains if you defend the same keep against the same players?
Let me know what you think
MirelaUmbrella wrote: »So today in Evergloam on PC EU, me and my fiancée were playing at the time the campaign resetted. We noticed the person in first place had 500k score in 25 minutes (with no low pop). Of course this isn't impossible by legitimate means, but it seemed fishy considering the second place was only on 100k and this first place player was nowhere to be seen. I ported around our keeps for a while and came across a group of around 8 players split across two alliances generating defensive ticks over and over for this one player.
One of the guys who was doing the exploit whispered my fiancée "tell your wife to leave this keep, let us do our business", which confirmed to me that they were indeed exploiting def ticks to get this guy emp
I didn't make a scene out of it in zone chat at first because I didn't really have any concrete evidence, but later on I mentioned it and one of the players involved with the boosting said this:
To my surprise, a lot of people in zone chat were defending these actions, insulting us for speaking out about it, and threatened to do it again
So what do you think about this? Should ZOS be punishing players for exploiting in PvP just as they punished players who exploited for skins and such in PvE?
I also want to clarify that while me and my fiancée aren't interested in emp, there are possibly some people who take days off work and put real time and effort in, just to be smashed by some people breaking the rules of the game.
Maybe ZOS should change the way AP is awarded, like having a cooldown on AP gains if you defend the same keep against the same players?
Let me know what you think
SeaGtGruff wrote: »I don't know why any self-respecting player would even want to be "Emperor" if the title and achievement had absolutely no real meaning because it was "earned" through a completely bogus method.
ectoplasmicninja wrote: »With paying for a trial carry, you have a goal you don't have the time/skill to achieve on your own, so you pay others to help you achieve it. For some people all they want is a cool costume and a shiny dye or to check a box, and it's not about bragging rights or a sense of accomplishment. I totally get that, and frankly I see no issue in paying for trial carries. I don't feel diminished in my legitimate achievement of vMoL when I see hundreds of other people with that skin. My cool mount isn't cool because of rarity, it's cool because of looks. That's how I feel about these things generally.
In PvP however, you're climbing the ladder to emperor by stepping on the heads of other people who are struggling to get the same thing but legitimately. That's rude and not cool. People put a lot of time and effort and hard work into trying to become emperor, and then some dude and his buddies come cheese their way to the top and make all that work useless. That's not the kind of environment I'd want to encourage in my MMO.
I would love to be emperor someday. Just for five seconds, so I can unlock the costume and the dye and then leave the campaign so someone else can have it. But I'll never get there, because I don't have the time, probably not the skill, and certainly not enough friends. It saddens me greatly because that costume is amazing. Still not going to pay for or cheese it. Maybe it'll be my last achievement, many years in the future, just before they take down the servers and kill the game for good.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »It was being openly discussed in the Evergloam zone chat by people doing this last night in zone chat (PC/NA). They were letting keeps be taken on purpose to lose emp so they could boost the next guy. ZOS DOES NOT CARE, and it is frankly disgusting that they do nothing about it.
Temp bans do nothing after the fact. Perma ban or at the least, strip the title and reset AP to zero. They wont, but they should.
MirelaUmbrella wrote: »So today in Evergloam on PC EU, me and my fiancée were playing at the time the campaign resetted. We noticed the person in first place had 500k score in 25 minutes (with no low pop). Of course this isn't impossible by legitimate means, but it seemed fishy considering the second place was only on 100k and this first place player was nowhere to be seen. I ported around our keeps for a while and came across a group of around 8 players split across two alliances generating defensive ticks over and over for this one player.
One of the guys who was doing the exploit whispered my fiancée "tell your wife to leave this keep, let us do our business", which confirmed to me that they were indeed exploiting def ticks to get this guy emp
I didn't make a scene out of it in zone chat at first because I didn't really have any concrete evidence, but later on I mentioned it and one of the players involved with the boosting said this:
To my surprise, a lot of people in zone chat were defending these actions, insulting us for speaking out about it, and threatened to do it again
So what do you think about this? Should ZOS be punishing players for exploiting in PvP just as they punished players who exploited for skins and such in PvE?
I also want to clarify that while me and my fiancée aren't interested in emp, there are possibly some people who take days off work and put real time and effort in, just to be smashed by some people breaking the rules of the game.
Maybe ZOS should change the way AP is awarded, like having a cooldown on AP gains if you defend the same keep against the same players?
Let me know what you think