New Player - Crafting Passives Priority

Soul Shriven
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to ask the community as to what crafting passives I need to get early on or needed to max out as soon as possible? All I know for sure is that a player should level up Keen Eye the last or not level it at all because there is already an addon that will help players see the materials.

I don't like making alts since that means I have to redo the game all over again so I always create 1 character as my main and no alts at all.

  • Jim_Pipp
    The deconstruction perks are my priority - you mainly level up crafting by breaking down items, so I like to get as many materials for it as I can.

    The alchemy passive to increase duration of potions is so useful in combat, although not crafting.

    The alchemy and provisioning passives to make extra portions of food and drinks, potions and poisons is really handy, especially if you do your daily crafting writs.

    When you have a few levels then max out research slots, and power through research, it only takes a few months to get most the way there.

    At max level I get hirelings - I don't need lower level materials.
    Edited by Jim_Pipp on February 3, 2021 3:03PM
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • ghastley
    The answers are different for the first (or only) character than they are for an alt. And there's a "it depends" involved. If you want to make your own equipment etc., then you need to advance the material passive to keep up with the character's needs, so you can fill in the gaps in the drops with crafted items. If you're happy to buy them from Guilds, or have a friend who can do it for you, then you don't need to do that.

    Other than that, the research passives will help you advance faster, although I often don't bother with the 4th one, as the multiple concurrent researches are more important. For the consumables, you want to raise your "quality" passives, as that again accelerates your advancement. Better runes/recipes eyc. give greater inspiration, -> faster levelling -> unlocking more passives -> better ...

    An alt can craft at the lower ranks and use up materials your main has left behind, but is still getting from writ returns. Their need to craft their own gear is less, if the main can make it, and so on.
  • Porter_H
    The one that allows more research and reduces research time. Even with the various research scrolls, it will still take a while to research all traits.

    Decon perks are great too if you have extra skill points (extra mats) but not necessary while leveling a character and skill points are at a premium while leveling.

    The hireling is great after you max profs and have the skill points to burn. Free materials for logging into the game!
  • Chocoffee
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks a lot for all the answers guys, it has been very informative to a new player like myself!
  • etchedpixels
    Some of the keen eye ones help others are useless (eg runestone). However there are other signals to learn in different zones. Eg in bleakrock you'll find squirrels by the wood to harvest and blue butterflies over many of the plants.
    Edited by etchedpixels on February 4, 2021 3:45PM
    Too many toons not enough time
  • Athan1
    Deconstruction (top priority) > Research times > Hireling > Quality > Keen Eye > Impovement (you won't improve until you hit CP160 so don'w bother)

    Hireling (top priority though it's unlocked very late) > Gourmand > Chef > Brewer > Recipe Improvement > Connoisseur > Recipe Quality

    I wouldn't bother with alchemy at early game, just try to level it up and research the traits.
    Edited by Athan1 on February 5, 2021 12:37AM
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
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