A question about "Super-Khajit" Pahmar-raht

Pahmar-raht a definition of a Super warrior I just dont get it why they haven't received more attention , this thing should kill off a Dragon all by itself literally. A potential to become an ultimate killing machine with unmatched agility,cunning,insane strength,speed ,resistance,ferocity and armed with steel or posessing arcane skills and inspiring true dread on the battle-field.

The Pahmar-raht are a giant bipedal furstock. Due to them being the strongest of furstocks, they are usually deployed as bodyguards and warriors. from Wiki-page.

I saw these things I thought at first it was comical ,but then according to the lore tis really true.

Their are giants literally towering anything in game even some monsters, yet in all their might what role do they play?

Are they very rare? Considering how badass they are, you could consider them as one Cat-Army. Makes you wonder why Khajit weren't more successful at repelling off Dragon,Euxaria's forces. These Bestial wonders should be nigh unstopable unless they are really dull


Look at him ,his is a Fur tower ,does not even need a weapon he could snap frost troll in half and beat the living guar from ogre. Such a potential, lol at Lyris Titan bring THOSE TO FIGHT DAGON' S MINIONS!!!

Edited by Vanya on January 30, 2021 9:13AM
  • Ryuvain
    Khajiit are pretty amazing no? Indeed, not many want to fight them at all. Even the thalmor later in the timeline tried to ally with them instead of fighting at all. Makes sense.

    Argonians along with khajiit are probably the deadliest races due to the special cases of argonian behemoth and pahmar-raht. Behemoths are stronger, but pahmars are faster and smarter.

    Combine all that with deadly claws, enhanced speed, senses, and even night vision, and you have a mean combo.

    Wood elves needed their final forbidden weapon to stop the khajiit from owning them. Likewise the forces of oblivion were owned by argonians.

    Both races have a habit of not fighting back at times like when both were enslaved. But if they did fight back, history wouldve been drastically different.

    Just more reasons to love both of these races. :smile:
    Edited by Ryuvain on January 30, 2021 9:26AM
    That one khajiit obsessed with werewolf behemoth and vampire lord. Lady Thorn is bae, dont @ me.
    Werewolf behemoth=vampire lord>blood scion>werewolf>vampire.
  • Nairinhe
    Vanya wrote: »
    a Fur tower
    It's... beautiful

  • Aliyavana
    By wiki page I presume you mean https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Khajiit#Pahmar-raht ?
  • GreenHere
    They're not made into a bigger deal for one fairly simple reason:

    In addition to their superior strength, stature, skills, agility, abilities, good looks, beautiful singing voices, and sharp cunning... they're also incredibly humble!

  • Danikat
    They're bigger and stronger than other bipedal khajiit (although I think the senche-raht are the biggest overall) but they're not some sort of super-powered killing machine. They're comparable to a big nord or orc in terms of size and strength.

    It's important to remember that most khajiit, particularly the furstocks we've gotten to play in various games (ohmes, ohmes-raht, Suthay-raht, Suthay and Cathay) are smaller and lighter than most of the races, they tend to rely on stealth, speed and agility in combat rather than brute strength.

    Descriptions of the various furstocks are comparing them to each other - so they're saying the pahmar-raht are bigger and stronger than other khajiit but that doesn't mean they're beyond what other races are capable of.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Ryuvain
    Danikat wrote: »
    They're bigger and stronger than other bipedal khajiit (although I think the senche-raht are the biggest overall) but they're not some sort of super-powered killing machine. They're comparable to a big nord or orc in terms of size and strength.

    It's important to remember that most khajiit, particularly the furstocks we've gotten to play in various games (ohmes, ohmes-raht, Suthay-raht, Suthay and Cathay) are smaller and lighter than most of the races, they tend to rely on stealth, speed and agility in combat rather than brute strength.

    Descriptions of the various furstocks are comparing them to each other - so they're saying the pahmar-raht are bigger and stronger than other khajiit but that doesn't mean they're beyond what other races are capable of.

    Uh, you know those guys are twice as tall as playable characters right? They are pretty much stronger than Nords and orcs by default. Numbers would be these khajiit's main problem since this type is only born during a specific moon cycle. Same with senche-raht.

    I'd say there more akin to Lyris in power, and she's above the rest herself.
    Edited by Ryuvain on January 30, 2021 12:23PM
    That one khajiit obsessed with werewolf behemoth and vampire lord. Lady Thorn is bae, dont @ me.
    Werewolf behemoth=vampire lord>blood scion>werewolf>vampire.
  • Lephrel
    Super-Khajit are nothing compared to my cat, when he isn't fed on time. ^^
  • Vanya
    Ryuvain wrote: »

    Uh, you know those guys are twice as tall as playable characters right? They are pretty much stronger than Nords and orcs by default. Numbers would be these khajiit's main problem since this type is only born during a specific moon cycle. Same with senche-raht.

    I'd say there more akin to Lyris in power, and she's above the rest herself.

    Exactly funny other person clearly not fond of cats :) They are twice the tall and 4 times heavier and he speaks of "same" strength lol They dwarf Lyris and they are after all beastial race often undermined they have it all all strength speed and agility. They are giants lyris is probably close to 9 foot , biggest of these exceeed compared to picture at least 11 close 12, sucks yea numbers would be issue only reason why Khajit are not dominating entire Tamriel not even Altmer or Empire would stop them unless divine intervention . just image tens of thousands of these with backup of others
    Edited by Vanya on January 30, 2021 1:29PM
  • Vanya
    By Leki's Blade and Jode! Give me a squad of those and no Deadra,Vampre-lord,Dragon will stand against us. These beasts have incredible potential in right hands, such a pity they not many of them, though you can fight off Hostile version in Southern Elyswer.
  • Smaxx
    This would have been a perfect thread for the Lore section, I guess.

    Don't forget ESO's time frame is just merely years after the Knahaten Flu, which killed off more than 50 % of the Khajiiti population in some regions. They basically faced extinction. They're literally still licking their wounds and as such have no real interest in fighting wars with the outside world.

    Yes, they're fighting in the Alliance War for Ayrenn, but this is mostly due to feeling obligated to after the help they received in fighting the plague. They're sending troops/volunteers, but they're also only sending members of the most common furstock(s). The Pahmar-raht are indeed acting as bodyguards and the like and staying back at home.

    Senche-raht on the other hand stay in Elsweyr partially due to the other races misinterpreting/misunderstanding them as animals/mounts (there are a few books in Elsweyr and Dragonhold about this). Would Ayrenn want a very powerful Senche-raht in that squad guarding that important position? Absolutely! Would Ayrenn want that garrison getting decimated because some officer talked bad about that furball fatty once again? Well… I guess no?

    And let's not forget Khajiit are masters of trickery and deception. Why would they show their true strength (or numbers) to anyone? They work with the Dominion, but they don't trust them, not by a long shot (especially due to groups such as the Veiled Heritage). Eslweyr isn't united after all.

    As for Euraxia Tharn… There's a reason Rimmen's siege engines (built to defend the city) are pointing inwards. Euraxia knows exactly she can't control all the Khajiit and she actually fears them, especially including Pahmar-raht and Senche-raht, but she's also clever enough to hold the civilians and the militiary's families as hostages. There are only a few slowly trying to work with the player/Vestige as well as Abnur Tharn to overthrow her. Just listen a bit to some of the NPCs in Rimmen, they're far from happy about the situation and some openly talk about their discomfort.

    As for fighting dragons: They try to, they do so, but a stronger, bigger warrior is also a uselessly stronger, bigger target, too!
  • Daemons_Bane
    Danikat wrote: »
    They're comparable to a big nord or orc in terms of size and strength.

    They're carrying, and swinging, bosmer sized weapons around.. Nords and Orcs are over in the corner, wetting themselves in fear
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Size is not everything! :p
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Hlanu
    "bosmer sized weapons" checks out. :-/

    Edited by Hlanu on February 1, 2021 12:03AM
    Hlanu - Redguard Arcanist
    Tahemet at-Hubalajad - Redguard Sorcerer

    PC EU
  • Vanya
    Lmao my char is a Nord maximum height looks like an ant , look at his back and AX, Giant tiger would crush Lyris Titanborn into the dust, pity these haveot played a bigger role wit exception of Khajit Legend spirit

    You cannot win against these in proper duel what i find amusing how easily any race can beat them in melee,

    Edited by Vanya on February 1, 2021 1:34PM
  • psychotrip
    Vanya wrote: »
    Pahmar-raht a definition of a Super warrior I just dont get it why they haven't received more attention , this thing should kill off a Dragon all by itself literally. A potential to become an ultimate killing machine with unmatched agility,cunning,insane strength,speed ,resistance,ferocity and armed with steel or posessing arcane skills and inspiring true dread on the battle-field.

    The Pahmar-raht are a giant bipedal furstock. Due to them being the strongest of furstocks, they are usually deployed as bodyguards and warriors. from Wiki-page.

    I saw these things I thought at first it was comical ,but then according to the lore tis really true.

    Their are giants literally towering anything in game even some monsters, yet in all their might what role do they play?

    Are they very rare? Considering how badass they are, you could consider them as one Cat-Army. Makes you wonder why Khajit weren't more successful at repelling off Dragon,Euxaria's forces. These Bestial wonders should be nigh unstopable unless they are really dull


    Look at him ,his is a Fur tower ,does not even need a weapon he could snap frost troll in half and beat the living guar from ogre. Such a potential, lol at Lyris Titan bring THOSE TO FIGHT DAGON' S MINIONS!!!

    My friend, you've run into a consistent problem with ES lore, the result of a decade of retcons and transcription errors.

    This is the result. You end up with inconsistently overpowered groups that feel out of place because everything else feels weak by comparison.

    In the older lore, Pahmar Raht are not OP at all. Thats because in older lore:

    -tons of nords used the voice and were seen as literal demons by the elves due to their sheer power.

    -The Empire was capable of fighting on almost equal terms with immortal demi-gods

    -a giant robot god was the only way the magically advanced nation of Summerset could ever be conquered.

    -Powerful Yokudan Sword Singers could split atoms with their swords

    Now, most of what I just said has been retconned, toned down or conveniently relegated to the distant past. But every now and then we run into something like this, a relic from the PGE1 era lore that feels out of place amidst a world of comparative normality.
    Edited by psychotrip on February 1, 2021 2:23PM
    No one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they can ride on the coat-tails of past games.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I think you're overestimating this a great deal just because they are big. Not saying they wouldn't be great fighters, but some ultimate killing machine that kills dragons easily by themselves? Nah. That's bonkers.
    Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on February 1, 2021 11:55PM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
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