Pahmar-raht a definition of a Super warrior I just dont get it why they haven't received more attention , this thing should kill off a Dragon all by itself literally. A potential to become an ultimate killing machine with unmatched agility,cunning,insane strength,speed ,resistance,ferocity and armed with steel or posessing arcane skills and inspiring true dread on the battle-field.
The Pahmar-raht are a giant bipedal furstock. Due to them being the strongest of furstocks, they are usually deployed as bodyguards and warriors. from Wiki-page.
I saw these things I thought at first it was comical ,but then according to the lore tis really true.
Their are giants literally towering anything in game even some monsters, yet in all their might what role do they play?
Are they very rare? Considering how badass they are, you could consider them as one Cat-Army. Makes you wonder why Khajit weren't more successful at repelling off Dragon,Euxaria's forces. These Bestial wonders should be nigh unstopable unless they are really dull
Look at him ,his is a Fur tower ,does not even need a weapon he could snap frost troll in half and beat the living guar from ogre. Such a potential, lol at Lyris Titan bring THOSE TO FIGHT DAGON' S MINIONS!!!
Edited by Vanya on January 30, 2021 9:13AM