Before I delve into the champ system 2.0 there is one concern with how they balanced the loss of Champion 1.0 percentiles when applying them into the base character for 2.0
My character "Dea'ru" nord, tank. before 2.0 his WD was 3,600. In PTS he has 5,200 WD. This weapons damage/spell damage boost was implemented to counteract the reduction of percentile boosts such as '20% direct damage increase". and in theory makes up for the damage. however turning this into a flat value instead of keeping it a percentile is where the potential problem lies.
Tank are stronger
Hear me out, in Champion 1.0, i had 3,600 weapon damage. lets say i used a DOT (damage over time) and i have the 1.0 champ passive to increase my dots by 20%.
3,600 X 1.2 (20%)= 4,320.
my dot effectiveness in champ 1.0 was that of having 4,320 WD. (a 720 increase)
now lets take DPS with 5k WD.
5,000 x 1.2(20%)= 6,000. The dp's dots have a 6,000 wd effectiveness. (a 1,000 increase)
makes sense, the dps has more damage The bonus should be higher. however, in 2.0 our flat value bonuses gives us the SAME increased damage.
in champ 2.0 my WD is 5,200. where as in champ 1.0 my effective weapon damage with added percentiles was on 4,320.
the tanks have received bonus dps with this patch, where as players who favor higher WD/SD will see their sum total WD/SD has increased, but may only see a 5% increase to damage at most, or no increase at all to their total dps.
where as tanks will see a much higher increase in dps. This flat value increase has effectively closed the damage gap from tanks-dps even further.
If people complained about this issue prior, tanks hitting high damage, yet still had room for mitigation. this issue wont change in 2.0. infact tanks have gotten a dps boost if anything. where as people who favor more wd/sd will see little to no change in total dps.
What are your thoughts on this? Please let me know.
Edited by SeaArcanist on January 30, 2021 7:01AM