I ran into an issue with Twitch drops today, and wanted to describe it so people can be careful to try to avoid it if possible. I'm not sure which side the problem is coming from-- Twitch's or ESO's-- but hopefully the circumstances are uncommon enough that it won't affect many people.
If there are two different drop campaigns going on at the same time, one can interfere with the other. Presumably this is only if both campaigns give the same type of reward.
I had seen on the ESO website that there was a campaign for International Post Shows which would award up to 2 crates, so this afternoon I tuned into Bethesda_PL to watch the post show. Each crate required watching for 30 minutes.
But there was also a separate Midyear Mayhem campaign for any ESO stream which would award 1 crate for watching 15 minutes.
15 minutes into the Bethesda_PL stream, I got a crate. It was for the Midyear Mayhem campaign, which I hadn't been expecting to get.
30 minutes into the Bethesda_PL stream, I got a crate. It was for the International Post Show campaign.
After that, the International Post Show campaign kept showing up as "in progress," but it would not show any progress, as though it thought I had already gotten both crates fir that campaign, even though if I closed and reopened Twitch (after watching for over 45 more minutes and seeing that something was wrong) the notification that popped up at the top of the chat pane showed that only 1 crate had been claimed (as indicated by two little circles at the bottom of the notification, one colored-in purple and the other not colored-in).
What I should have done was watch some other non-post show stream first to get the Midyear Mayhem crate, then watch the pist show to get the 2 crates for that-- and I would have done that if I'd known there would be a problem.
So be careful if there ard two or more simultaneous campaigns going on which give the same type of reward, because the reward for one can get misconstrued by the drops system as a reward for the other.
I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!