MentalxHammer wrote: »As someone who just left behind 1300 cp on xbox to start fresh on PC, the only thing this system will do is cause me to stop playing.
When it was stated that CP needed to be reworked (around Summerset), one of the main reasons was that the progression was too daunting for new players. Now we have a system that requires 2740 cp for max progression... seriously, this rework of the cp system shows a massive disconnection with the player base. 2740 cp as a soft cap is unacceptable. The team of individuals who greenlighted this change should literally be fired.
Mettaricana wrote: »...if anything this will light a fire under everyones ass to get playing and doing content again to get back to the top again. This may also pave the way for new harder or advanced content that isn't left behind at the 160 cp maker we may start seeing content for cp 1000 or more players who feel steam rolling a vet dlc to easy.
Mettaricana wrote: »...if anything this will light a fire under everyones ass to get playing and doing content again to get back to the top again. This may also pave the way for new harder or advanced content that isn't left behind at the 160 cp maker we may start seeing content for cp 1000 or more players who feel steam rolling a vet dlc to easy.
Even assuming some acceleration / boost to rate of xp earned you mentioned, the core problem with your overall reply is the part I bolded above.
Playing content gets you some xp, true. But when chasing cp, content gives barely any compared to grind. E.g. running in circles mass pulling zombies, etc in a few grind optimized locations.
For those who are currently 810+ and thus totally maxed out, but far under the new 3600 cap, just doing content will be a long, slow road for xp. Which may be fine for some. But for many, the chase you speak of will be running around in circles grind, with time spent doing content actually a detriment rather than a net gain.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
No. They tested the Champ system the first time with no cap then implimented a cap. I don't remember if 3600 went live, but if it did, it was not for long.