Seeing the PTS Patch Note mention of the Dwarven Scarab Pet's wings having a fix for during idle animations prompted me to look to see if an issue I'd noticed right away with the Prong-Eared Grimalkin had been addressed yet. Alas, it seems it hasn't (which, I hadn't posted about it here before I don't think, and I'm not sure if anyone else has so it may have gone completely unnoticed)
The animation seems to be one of the less frequent idle animations, but it is very jarringly broken, and was a major motivator in my decision to
not purchase that pet at 1000 crowns though it has stayed in the Crown Store all this time.

Here's a screenshot of the behavior taken just a few minutes ago in game. The legs break when it lays down, prompting me and my friends to jokingly refer to it as a "rotisserie kitten" because of how its bottom half looks kind of like a plucked chicken with the wings up. Definitely not ideal. ^^;
I know it's a low-priority fix, but given the 2+ years the Grimalkin has spent in the store, I figured it might need to be brought up.
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PC-NA | Playing since 2015