Before people start flying off the handle, leaving inane replies, defending magic and the usual noise, please take the time to read through this entire topic. This topic is very clear as to what I'm talking about and the intent of it, IT IS NOT asking for help in any way, this topic is is just an observation from actual testing and research. [snip]
If people leave any advice or help, it's a nice gesture but not being asked for.
I took a crack at using a magic character (A high Elf Sorc)
The reason why is because I read many people say magic has the highest DPS in the game.
However when I actually put into use the high elf sorc here is what my own research and actual use has found:
Magic was weak and took me about 6-9 hits on average to kill anything.
I could only handle about 2 enemies at a time and on occasion a 3rd, but never more than that.
I had to kite enemies constantly so it took even longer to kill because I wasn't doing enough damage, and so kiting made it harder because I couldn't turn around and hit the enemies while running
When I mentioned in zone chat magic was just too weak so i don't see how people say ti's the highest DPS, I was responded to with the following types of comments:
Look up a build (Preferably alcast)
People said Alcast was terrible
People said look up a guide on youtube
Watch other people run (Insert dungeons)
They also mentioned about rotations
Learn to play
You get the idea. So I will discuss 4 things people said, Look up a build, Guide on youtube, watch people run (Insert Dungeons), and what's your rotation:
I will start this by saying even having with Mother's Sorrow set at 160, with mundus stone effects, the damage ratio with the 160 gear was exactly the same as it was in the beginning. it was still taking me on average 6-9 hits to kill anything with magic.
As far as the guides and youtube videos:
I went through as many guides and videos as I could find and very guide and every one of them all had the same exact thing in common, the guides and youtube videos have the character explained from having at least 700 cp to maxed CP, as well as all this special and very specific gear (i.E. malestrom)
a beginner isn't going to be at that CP, nor or have any of that gear. So all guides and yotuube videos are 100% useless to anyone who has a low level character.
Right now I have about 274 CP, the 5 item bonus of mothers sorrow, plus the 4 item bonus of twilight's Embrace, and It still takes me on average, 6-9 hits to kill anything, I can barely take on 3 enemies, and 98% of the time I have to kite everything and those are just normal enemies. If I have an enemy that has a 1 extra icon thing after it's health-bar it takes even longer, and I cannot take on any enemy that has 2 icon things after their health bar.
There isn't a single guide, youtube video or website, that has any actual basic beginner builds that show how to make magic do a lot of damage. This is a huge problem for players who are being told by the community that magic has the highest DPS and is so good, but are never told magic requires max CP and special and specific gear. So not knowing this they barely do enough damage, and do not believe anyone that says magic is good.
The point here is, you cannot say magic is so good and then not explain the special conditions required to become that good. People are just acting like magic is just good from the start and it's not.
Another major problem I found that a lot of people are failing to see that somehow don't even acknowledge what I say which is something I actually did in the game.
I took the high elf sorc and changed 2 things on it. Keep in mind that what I'm about to explain was done on a high elf sorc
I created 2 one handed axes, hundings rage, I redid a few skill points from the magic to Dual wield and a morphed rapid strikes skill and this was the result:
I was able to do 10 times more damage and take on 5 enemies and kill everything in about 4-7 hits with a crappy build and half assed not even good set up, on a magic based character.
[snip] I was able to do far more damage and do things and take on enemies with a small tweak to a magic based character so ti was [snip] and sloppy, than I could ever do with a character that was built specifically for it's specific purpose. That shows something is wrong here.
A character that was actually set up in accordance to it's function, did far worse than a character that was thrown together with garbage equipment with skills and attacks that do not even fit the character itself.
A high elf sorc isn't a dual wield character, it's specialty is MAGIC. Sure you can argue it can be built like that, but a nightblade which is meant for dual wield, would be far more effective at dual wield than a high elf sorc so you wouldn't make a high elf sorc for dual wield.
The overall aspect I'm talking about in this thread is, the start of the game is going to put into effect a persons perspective on whatever they choose to play. In the case of myself and this high elf sorc (A character that has the highest magic in the game which means according to people has the highest DPS, requires the character to perform well just by it's default nature. Since it doesn't magic has left a very bad taste in my mouth due to I have personally tested what people said and it didn't do anything except show that people aren't being truthful.
Anyone that says magic can still be decent at a low level without all this CP and special gear is being untruthful. Like the dual wield A magic based character should still be abel to do pretty decent damage without all that CP and gear and it doesn't. And to make matters worse, a magic based character that can take *** and total garbage and do well just by changing around some skill points and weapons while leaving everything else on the character exactly the same, and do better, is just more convincing magic is just not doable while waiting to get to cp 810 and requiring the specific gear.
Furthermore, the fact there is no beginners guild that shows magic being good in the game presents a contradiction and thus turns a player off from magic. People want to have magic be good when they play the game, not have to play the game without it until they reach the very end, then start using it. I would be interested in seeing an actual guild that shows a beginning high elf SORC no stamina builds doing good da,age with magic without any CP and gear and maybe just some basic sets or something. I want to see it in action.
This isn't asking for help, this is saying if people are going to say magic is good, then you really need to back up that claim by provide actual beginner information videos and or guides.
Right now the only guides and videos that exists have the character already at close to, or max CP and all special end game gear a beginning isn't going to have.
So those guides do not help beginners and instead all they do is show that magic is only good after you've gotten to end game content
[edited for baiting]
Edited by ZOS_Lunar on January 27, 2021 1:20PM