As a player who do parses quite often (4-5 times per week to master my rotation) i'm wondering how people judge Parses. I do 56k atm on the dummy (21m Iron Atronach) with a MagSorc build i did myself (so absolutely NOT meta) and some people are telling me "56k ? Meh, not good enough, you should hit 80k+ for Veteran Trials"...But, in every trial i'm doing 12%-15% of bosses, even in the few Trials Vet (even HM) i did (some of them are wins, others are not).
So there's my question : my parses numbers are really that low ? Or am i right to think that parses numbers don't really matter (after a certain gap at least, like 45k) if the player combines his "small number" with a decent reactivity, knows how to survive and a good knowledge of the mechanics ?
What are you thinking about Parses in general ?
PS : I play Vet Trials for completion and for fun, i don't intend to be a part of an insane team who can do vSS or vCR+x with their eyes closed, i'm fully aware that if i wanted that i should up my dps a LOT