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[Project - AtoZ] Rise of the Starter Build (will incl.Walkthrough/Guide)

Soul Shriven
The aim for Project AtoZ:
The project exists out of a dedicated Simple Build Walkthrough/Guide for your first character of your account without the necessity to grind the guild skill lines, Assault skill lines.
Also accesible gear setups. Good step-by-step walkthrough through leveling of the build.
Most of the builds you will find on the web are only end-game based oriënted and not exactly starter friendly oriënted.

Although some decent starter builds/guides give good tips, but most of the time lacks the right attention.
Lots of important information is scattered around on multiple different build/guide websites.
Therefore we are not going reinvent the wheel. The project is partially meant to link the essential information together.

What is the main purpose/goal of this project?
Leveling up your first toon of your account asap and without ending up with a broken first character.
Ending up with a solid foundation for the rest of the toons with the right preperations.
Becoming part of end-game content.

My definition of starter friendly put to word:
Why I use 'starter' and not 'beginner' is on purpose, a starter doesn't have to be a beginner by definition.
Think of returning players or 'existing' players starting of with a second account.

Project platform:
For now we keep it just to this Forum Topic, as I'm writing a document for this project.
I intend to open it up to the public, once I feel confident enough that it has a solid foundation.
Eventually the project will be an Open Project in order to keep it up-to-date, viable and accesible.
Maybe the project will be converted into a Wiki/Github of sorts.

Some brainstormed key-features for the guide:
  • First Toon opening build, rush through the levels without ending up with a broken toon.
  • Chronology
  • Builds, could be existing ones with changes to personal flavour
  • References to existing builds
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Do’s and Don’ts
  • The How and Why?
  • Vision, Focus and Heading
  • Spending coins and crowns wisely
  • Choices and considerations followed by simple explanations
  • Advantages and getting the most out of it
  • Add-ons & settings
  • Starter friendly Guilds.
  • Step-by-Step picking skills
  • End-game Loop
  • Considering: Wayshrine unlock events
  • Upcoming: Sign up to become a Mentor in the Mentorlist; means you will be helping out new players who want to follow this Guide.
  • Upcoming: Apply for a mentorship from a specific mentor.
  • Upcoming: Mara Grouping system, group up with other like-minded players and help eachother out and play together.

What could you contribute?
  • Website Links to important articles on the internet with a brief summarized description.
  • Additional missing key information.
  • Corrections; please do right our wrongs and point them out to us. Answer the "What? and Why?".
  • Advice; is much appreciated keep it clean and structured.
  • Testing the build(s) and give us useful feedback.

P.S. keep in mind the project is still in it's early-on alpha stage.

Let us know what you think of the matter and open up a discussion, if you happen to know a similiar project of a content creator? Please, let me know!
Do you think this is something players are looking for or is this just a niche?

Project AtoZ Links:
Mindmap for Project AtoZ
  • Gamerunner_NL
    Soul Shriven
    Contributors (list):

    Mentors (list):
    Edited by Gamerunner_NL on January 16, 2021 11:51AM
  • Gamerunner_NL
    Soul Shriven
    Submit your additional guide information by filling in the form below, replace the Italic lines:

    Name: contributor's Name
    Summary: Summarize and try to remain on point
    Link: Link to the referred video or website

    For rectifications please use quotes in the replies.
    Edited by Gamerunner_NL on January 16, 2021 12:01PM
  • Gamerunner_NL
    Soul Shriven
    Reserved Reply for Project...
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