What is up with the server lag? (EU)

Soul Shriven
Hello ZOS,

I rejoined ESO some days ago and everytime I logon, my skills wont fire, I am constently being set back when i am walking, animations wont trigger etc.
What is the issue at the moment? Other MMOs run totally fine without any lag.

At the moment it is unplayable I have to admit.

Best regards
  • ZOS_Bill
    The lag you're experiencing may be connection related. Try the following steps listed below to see if the delay improves while playing ESO:

    Clear Your Mac Address
    1. On the Xbox One home screen, navigate to the left.
    2. Select the Settings options, then All Settings, Network, and finally Network Settings.
    3. From there, select Advanced Settings, Alternative Mac Address, then finally select Clear.

    Perform a Hard Reset
    1. Press and hold the Xbox button on the front of your console for 10 seconds.
    2. Once the machine has turned off, disconnect the power cord from the back of the Xbox One and wait two minutes.
    3. Plug the power back in and wait for the power bricks light to go from White to Orange.
    4. Once the power brick has the Orange light, turn the console on and try the game again.
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