Before people decide to troll, this is a delicate matter so please if you are not like minded nor get it, just leave.

The Light Breaker is a guild made for people who want to farm Veterans and Dungeon Achievements with high skill like minded people.
Aren't you tired of looking HOURS every day in order to hope to form a decent group to run that Veteran Dungeon No Death Speed HM run?
Aren't you tired of finally finding a group and then realize you are stuck with idiots who don't even know how to interrupt a mob, roll dodge or starting the run clueless about tactics without bothering to mention it before the run?
You are not alone anymore, we are here for you you!
The Light Breaker is now recruiting high skilled players who enjoy doing the hardest Veteran Dungeons Achievements and want people who are as serious as themselves about it, because honestly, that's the only way we are having "fun" in this game.
Only Veteran Dungeons, no Trials, no Commitments, when ever you feel like it, just look for like minded people in the guild chat!
No more feeling frustrated when you are 10 times better than someone and then they tries to lecture you about basic stuff they have no idea about!
No more feeling bad or cursed for being a Perfectionist!
High knowledge about the game.
Fluent English.
Dedication. (no leaving after 1 fail attempt)
Being overall friendly. (after all no reason to get mad when you are with like minded people, right?

Obviously for DDs, at least 70k+ dps. (I know DPS is not everything but weavvvvveeeee!!!)
And naturally max CP, though special cases might be considered.
Please do not leave empty application and make sure you note that you've read everything and you are not just another piggybag!

This Guild is totally not an Elitist Guild but apparently it is.

Whisper me/send me mail
@Eliran .
You can also find our listing in the guild finder, thanks!