One and three I agree with. Two is in conflict since the color of our hair is chosen in Character Creation, and would thus make it pointless if we could just change it again in-game.
One and three I agree with. Two is in conflict since the color of our hair is chosen in Character Creation, and would thus make it pointless if we could just change it again in-game.
but funny it is we can already jsut change all our hair styles after character creation, we can change our marks like even scars!
and body marks also we can change all fromt hese we had in character creations
the best is by body marks change we can entirely change khajiit, argonians patterns, scales into just another types and yet we cant dye our hairs into other from possible colours even when we can change our hair stylesoutside character creation ofc
One and three I agree with. Two is in conflict since the color of our hair is chosen in Character Creation, and would thus make it pointless if we could just change it again in-game.
but funny it is we can already jsut change all our hair styles after character creation, we can change our marks like even scars!
and body marks also we can change all fromt hese we had in character creations
the best is by body marks change we can entirely change khajiit, argonians patterns, scales into just another types and yet we cant dye our hairs into other from possible colours even when we can change our hair stylesoutside character creation ofc
Don't forget that we can also change our skin color at will, or also just forego skin entirely and walk around in our skeletons 😂
2: the ability to dye our hair to any colour we've unlocked