I didn´t vote so I will vote in my own special way
Yes to story mode and yes to skillpoint
Have a nice day
I have no issues with someone being able to do the story if they so choose to do so but am firmly in the no rewards category.
Not because I think people should be penalised for doing the story but because they are doing the story out of the expected manner - as part of a group.
I've no issues with people doing quests when I run dungeons, if someone is doing the quest I'll make sure the optional bosses are also done so they get the achievement as well.
The biggest issue is expectations that everyone should run the same way, and that will never happen.
Think of each player as a cat.
In a dungeon you have four cats.
Ever tried to herd cats?
And thats my point.
Except you know before you go into group finder that this is a group, a team activity where you are expected to work with others. The other 3 people in the dungeon aren't a surprise.
You don't get to choose to be an inconsiderate of others because that's how you want to play, when you agreed to do GROUP content.
I have no issues with someone being able to do the story if they so choose to do so but am firmly in the no rewards category.
Not because I think people should be penalised for doing the story but because they are doing the story out of the expected manner - as part of a group.
I've no issues with people doing quests when I run dungeons, if someone is doing the quest I'll make sure the optional bosses are also done so they get the achievement as well.
The biggest issue is expectations that everyone should run the same way, and that will never happen.
Think of each player as a cat.
In a dungeon you have four cats.
Ever tried to herd cats?
And thats my point.
Except you know before you go into group finder that this is a group, a team activity where you are expected to work with others. The other 3 people in the dungeon aren't a surprise.
You don't get to choose to be an inconsiderate of others because that's how you want to play, when you agreed to do GROUP content.
Problem is - as you have been told on countless threads - this cuts both ways. If one person wants to go through quickly they are selfish, if three people want to go through quickly and one doesn't who is the selfish one then?
I understand that people want to do the quest, amd when there are new dungeons released i want to enjoy the story and take my time. And you know what? I find three people in my guild that are the same mindset and thats what we do. We enjoy the dialogue, we figure out the mechanics, we read the books, we loot every backpack, wardrobe and urn we can find.
I would never go through group finder to do this because I play differently to the people I'm then grouped with.
We are all different and the problem is most people.don't understand that. They think that because they have an objective in mind everyone else has the same objective. They don't. When you understand that you understand the futility of trying to impose your will on that of three other players.
Back to herding cats.....
I myself wont run this mode for sure but it will give chance people who want this split from rusheres and there wont be a complaints from boths sides as someone is rushing to fast and not waiting or someone is slacking, boths sides of players would be happy they can run dung with their speed
Nordic__Knights wrote: »
? are you firmly in the no awards for players that skip 85% of the expected run they singed up for category too ? because it seems if players get no award for story for not doing it in an group them that skip shouldnt get anything to as they didnt do the hole of the run as an group leaving 1/4 - 3/4 of it behind to not do their quest or get credit for boss kill ... seems thats more an un expected way then story only would be
I mean, we already have Story Mode, it's called soloing on normal.
Nordic__Knights wrote: »
? are you firmly in the no awards for players that skip 85% of the expected run they singed up for category too ? because it seems if players get no award for story for not doing it in an group them that skip shouldnt get anything to as they didnt do the hole of the run as an group leaving 1/4 - 3/4 of it behind to not do their quest or get credit for boss kill ... seems thats more an un expected way then story only would be
All bosses have to be killed in order to get the achievement for completing the dungeon so thats not an issue.
If you mean each time every time you have to kill all the bosses to get the pledge completed or the transmute crystals? I have no issues with that, I like to kill the bosses anyway as it increases my chance of getting items i need for the sticker book. However thats not how they let are set up at the moment, pledges are set to kill certain bosses, some dungeons naturally have some bosses you have to kill in order to progress through it, and transmute are tied to killing the last boss the same as the undaunted rewards.
You can start a thread on changing them if you want but there was recently one asking for pledges to be changed to just the last boss. Why? Because you can be parachuted into a dungeon part way through and past one of the pledge bosses meaning you cannot complete the pledge.
So yes changes could be made but like this one they have to be carefully considered and the needs of the many really do outweigh the needs of the few.
Programming and testing costs money. Money that has to be recovered from somewhere. You have to ask yourself where the money for story mode or any other mode is coming from.
I mean, we already have Story Mode, it's called soloing on normal.
It is not about difficulty here, but the disruption happening due to experienced players rushing through the location to get the sky shard or whatever of value is to get there - this is awful for someone who does the location for the first time.
I mean, we already have Story Mode, it's called soloing on normal.
It is not about difficulty here, but the disruption happening due to experienced players rushing through the location to get the sky shard or whatever of value is to get there - this is awful for someone who does the location for the first time.
But don't you think it is weird how the experienced players who are so inconvenienced by waiting on others, aren't pushing to be able to solo for their transmute crystal rewards?
You'd think, if their time was so precious this would be what they ask for. But it's not, they want to penalize other players who want to complete the content just because they don't want to.