hexentb16_ESO wrote: »So I've been playing ESO since PC beta. From then until a week ago I had never made a serious healer character.
Figured it was about time I did so I made a pvp healer. After a while I realized ZOS hates pvp healers. I mean, they must. Healing and damage shields are reduced. Groups are smaller. AND we can't heal anyone outside of our groups.
If I knew ZOS hated pvp healers so much I wouldn't have wasted all that time and gold making one. I would have just made another OP ball killer tank.
Honestly, if I could just heal people out side of my group I wouldn't mind the other two handicaps.
I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
Greasytengu wrote: »I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
for PVE you only need to heal the other people in your party/raid, but in PVP your success depends on the faction's success as a whole. If you can't heal other members of your faction, then you cannot contribute to the faction's success.
No other role in the game is dependent on actually being in a group in order to contribute. DPS and Tanks can just follow along with the zerg ungrouped without any restrictions.
Greasytengu wrote: »I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
for PVE you only need to heal the other people in your party/raid, but in PVP your success depends on the faction's success as a whole. If you can't heal other members of your faction, then you cannot contribute to the faction's success.
No other role in the game is dependent on actually being in a group in order to contribute. DPS and Tanks can just follow along with the zerg ungrouped without any restrictions.
You can heal other members of your faction, they're the only ones you can group with.
You can contribute, much more than before, because now if you have a healer in your group you know they are going to heal you and not someone else. Which means you can be much more effective as a Tank and DD.
I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
VaranisArano wrote: »I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
If you want to draw an equivalence with PVE, let's do it properly.
PVP healers lost the ability to heal more than a limited amount of the players fighting in the same battle as them. Most large fights in Cyrodiil are considerably larger than a 12 v 12, so PVP healers cannot heal everyone on their side any longer like they used to be able to.
So to make that an equivalent nerf, let's limit dungeon healers to only healing 2 players at a time. Limit Trial healers to only healing 6 players at a time. Even that's not really equivalent, since PVP healers in large battles could heal far more than 24 players before, but we'll go with halvsies for the time being.
What happens?
Oh, your teammate took at big hit from the boss and you can't heal them? You have to stand there and watch a teammate die from mechanics because you can't heal them? That's terrible! Before the nerf, you could heal everyone in the same battle as you. You could have helped them!
I'm sure that PVE healers will line up to cheer on that change! /s
Now, we've already discussed this with you in several previous threads, so I'm not expecting you to admit that PVP healers have solid reasons to complain about no longer being able to heal everyone who's in the same battle as them. I realize that to the sort of player who views everyone else on their faction as nothing more than people who happen to be the same color and fighting the same enemy, watching thir "allies" die is no great hardship, since that sort of player tries to be self-sufficient, and wasn't intending to help them out anyway. It shouldn't be hard to figure out that healers and other support roles generally don't view their faction mates as expendable, instead preferring to, you know, support everyone in the same battle as them with heals and buffs as everyone works together for a common goal.
You don't have to agree with that - based on previous conversations, I expect you won't.
But don't be disingenuous by acting like PVP healers didn't take a massive nerf compared to the healing they used to be able to do.
(Oh, and don't complain about ball group dominance either. When you limit healing only to group members, 12-man ball groups are inevitably going to have way more healing than anyone else, especially PUGs who may or may not have picked up a healer from zone. There's another hardship, but one that gets passed on to other players primarily. Unless, of course, you like ball group dominance, in which case, carry on.)
VaranisArano wrote: »I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
If you want to draw an equivalence with PVE, let's do it properly.
PVP healers lost the ability to heal more than a limited amount of the players fighting in the same battle as them. Most large fights in Cyrodiil are considerably larger than a 12 v 12, so PVP healers cannot heal everyone on their side any longer like they used to be able to.
So to make that an equivalent nerf, let's limit dungeon healers to only healing 2 players at a time. Limit Trial healers to only healing 6 players at a time. Even that's not really equivalent, since PVP healers in large battles could heal far more than 24 players before, but we'll go with halvsies for the time being.
What happens?
Oh, your teammate took at big hit from the boss and you can't heal them? You have to stand there and watch a teammate die from mechanics because you can't heal them? That's terrible! Before the nerf, you could heal everyone in the same battle as you. You could have helped them!
I'm sure that PVE healers will line up to cheer on that change! /s
Now, we've already discussed this with you in several previous threads, so I'm not expecting you to admit that PVP healers have solid reasons to complain about no longer being able to heal everyone who's in the same battle as them. I realize that to the sort of player who views everyone else on their faction as nothing more than people who happen to be the same color and fighting the same enemy, watching thir "allies" die is no great hardship, since that sort of player tries to be self-sufficient, and wasn't intending to help them out anyway. It shouldn't be hard to figure out that healers and other support roles generally don't view their faction mates as expendable, instead preferring to, you know, support everyone in the same battle as them with heals and buffs as everyone works together for a common goal.
You don't have to agree with that - based on previous conversations, I expect you won't.
But don't be disingenuous by acting like PVP healers didn't take a massive nerf compared to the healing they used to be able to do.
(Oh, and don't complain about ball group dominance either. When you limit healing only to group members, 12-man ball groups are inevitably going to have way more healing than anyone else, especially PUGs who may or may not have picked up a healer from zone. There's another hardship, but one that gets passed on to other players primarily. Unless, of course, you like ball group dominance, in which case, carry on.)
So in your fantasy realm, you would be in a dungeon in two groups? And the healer could only heal one other person? Is that what you're trying to cook up?
Of course healers took a nerf, well deserved. They were far too strong before
I don't like Ball Group dominance, they're a pain in the ass. I used to play in one but it got too laggy and honestly boring.
But at the same time I'm not going to say that they are a problem. 12 people decided to chose an efficient way to play, and get the best results. That's a congratulations.
I join groups and co-ordinate to get PvE titles, I don't join 11 pugs in craglorn then complain on forums that it's too hard. Does something need to change with how ball-groups and stacking healing abilities works? Yes.
Once that changes, maybe group-related changes in Cyrodiil can change again.
[Quoted post was removed]
[Quoted post was removed]
The "hardship" is you have to follow a group. Cry me a River.
Healer is already the easiest thing to play, and honestly you could use only purge and you're a god-tier healer as that's all you actually bring to the table that I can't sustain myself.
Yup and that pretty much sums up the problem. If ZOS nerfed self healing I'm sure most of you would be singing a different tune regarding this group healing only thing. But hey, it's also the easiest thing to agree with a change that has no actual effect on you.
Greasytengu wrote: »The "hardship" is you have to follow a group. Cry me a River.
Healer is already the easiest thing to play, and honestly you could use only purge and you're a god-tier healer as that's all you actually bring to the table that I can't sustain myself.
Yup and that pretty much sums up the problem. If ZOS nerfed self healing I'm sure most of you would be singing a different tune regarding this group healing only thing. But hey, it's also the easiest thing to agree with a change that has no actual effect on you.
Or if they made it so you could only earn AP while grouped.
Also the whole "Healer is already the easiest thing to play" thing, I would have to disagreee in a major way. DPS can be distilled down into walking forward while light attacking. DPS is so easy that tanks can do it by strapping on a few proc sets and blocking.
VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
If you want to draw an equivalence with PVE, let's do it properly.
PVP healers lost the ability to heal more than a limited amount of the players fighting in the same battle as them. Most large fights in Cyrodiil are considerably larger than a 12 v 12, so PVP healers cannot heal everyone on their side any longer like they used to be able to.
So to make that an equivalent nerf, let's limit dungeon healers to only healing 2 players at a time. Limit Trial healers to only healing 6 players at a time. Even that's not really equivalent, since PVP healers in large battles could heal far more than 24 players before, but we'll go with halvsies for the time being.
What happens?
Oh, your teammate took at big hit from the boss and you can't heal them? You have to stand there and watch a teammate die from mechanics because you can't heal them? That's terrible! Before the nerf, you could heal everyone in the same battle as you. You could have helped them!
I'm sure that PVE healers will line up to cheer on that change! /s
Now, we've already discussed this with you in several previous threads, so I'm not expecting you to admit that PVP healers have solid reasons to complain about no longer being able to heal everyone who's in the same battle as them. I realize that to the sort of player who views everyone else on their faction as nothing more than people who happen to be the same color and fighting the same enemy, watching thir "allies" die is no great hardship, since that sort of player tries to be self-sufficient, and wasn't intending to help them out anyway. It shouldn't be hard to figure out that healers and other support roles generally don't view their faction mates as expendable, instead preferring to, you know, support everyone in the same battle as them with heals and buffs as everyone works together for a common goal.
You don't have to agree with that - based on previous conversations, I expect you won't.
But don't be disingenuous by acting like PVP healers didn't take a massive nerf compared to the healing they used to be able to do.
(Oh, and don't complain about ball group dominance either. When you limit healing only to group members, 12-man ball groups are inevitably going to have way more healing than anyone else, especially PUGs who may or may not have picked up a healer from zone. There's another hardship, but one that gets passed on to other players primarily. Unless, of course, you like ball group dominance, in which case, carry on.)
So in your fantasy realm, you would be in a dungeon in two groups? And the healer could only heal one other person? Is that what you're trying to cook up?
Of course healers took a nerf, well deserved. They were far too strong before
I don't like Ball Group dominance, they're a pain in the ass. I used to play in one but it got too laggy and honestly boring.
But at the same time I'm not going to say that they are a problem. 12 people decided to chose an efficient way to play, and get the best results. That's a congratulations.
I join groups and co-ordinate to get PvE titles, I don't join 11 pugs in craglorn then complain on forums that it's too hard. Does something need to change with how ball-groups and stacking healing abilities works? Yes.
Once that changes, maybe group-related changes in Cyrodiil can change again.
So...We've jumped from "I don't get the hardship" to
"Of course healers took a nerf, well deserved." And "Does something need to change with how ball-groups and stacking healing abilities works? Yes."
You spot that hardship yet?
You seem to understand it pretty well, actually. In fact, you think its a justified and necessary hardship.
Its still a hardship for the players who, unlike you, are negatively effected. It shouldn't be hard to understand that.
Duh, PVP healers who just took a massive nerf dropping from being able to heal anyone in their entire faction who was fighting in the same battle aren't going to be happy with just healing 11 other people like this is a PVE trial. What PVP healer likes watching allies they used to be able to heal last update die without being able to do anything?
Duh, PVP players who think there's a problem when ZOS exacerbates ball group dominance by handing them a massive advantage in healing over their now weakened enemies, aren't happy. Who likes seeing their groups weakened while the already dominant 12-man ball groups aren't touched?
I'm not saying anything we haven't discussed in previous threads, really. So I guess it just surprised me that after participating in several threads on the same topic with a number of PVP healers explaining their problems with the changes, you'd be here saying that you don't see the hardship and asking why we don't just heal our 12-man group in PVP. Well, we've been telling you why, if you'd care to listen.
(As for the PVE thing, well, you misrepresented the healing change. This isn't a matter of healing 12 players like this is a PVE trial. Its about healing all your allies in the same battle, in a faction-based PVP mode designed for large scale combat. In PVE and PVP both, healers used to be able to heal everyone in the same battle. PVE healers still can.
So when we look at what actually happened, you said you don't see the hardship for PVP healers to go from healing every ally on the battlefield to healing only a portion of them. There's no real PVE equivalent to that change...unless we nerfed PVE healers to only be able to heal a portion of their allies on the battlefield. And I really, really doubt you'd find many PVE healers in favor of that nerf. Again, the hardship that would result for the players who are negatively effected really isn't a mystery. And this post here suggests that you do, in fact, understand that.)
[Quoted post was removed]
[Quoted post was removed]
VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
If you want to draw an equivalence with PVE, let's do it properly.
PVP healers lost the ability to heal more than a limited amount of the players fighting in the same battle as them. Most large fights in Cyrodiil are considerably larger than a 12 v 12, so PVP healers cannot heal everyone on their side any longer like they used to be able to.
So to make that an equivalent nerf, let's limit dungeon healers to only healing 2 players at a time. Limit Trial healers to only healing 6 players at a time. Even that's not really equivalent, since PVP healers in large battles could heal far more than 24 players before, but we'll go with halvsies for the time being.
What happens?
Oh, your teammate took at big hit from the boss and you can't heal them? You have to stand there and watch a teammate die from mechanics because you can't heal them? That's terrible! Before the nerf, you could heal everyone in the same battle as you. You could have helped them!
I'm sure that PVE healers will line up to cheer on that change! /s
Now, we've already discussed this with you in several previous threads, so I'm not expecting you to admit that PVP healers have solid reasons to complain about no longer being able to heal everyone who's in the same battle as them. I realize that to the sort of player who views everyone else on their faction as nothing more than people who happen to be the same color and fighting the same enemy, watching thir "allies" die is no great hardship, since that sort of player tries to be self-sufficient, and wasn't intending to help them out anyway. It shouldn't be hard to figure out that healers and other support roles generally don't view their faction mates as expendable, instead preferring to, you know, support everyone in the same battle as them with heals and buffs as everyone works together for a common goal.
You don't have to agree with that - based on previous conversations, I expect you won't.
But don't be disingenuous by acting like PVP healers didn't take a massive nerf compared to the healing they used to be able to do.
(Oh, and don't complain about ball group dominance either. When you limit healing only to group members, 12-man ball groups are inevitably going to have way more healing than anyone else, especially PUGs who may or may not have picked up a healer from zone. There's another hardship, but one that gets passed on to other players primarily. Unless, of course, you like ball group dominance, in which case, carry on.)
So in your fantasy realm, you would be in a dungeon in two groups? And the healer could only heal one other person? Is that what you're trying to cook up?
Of course healers took a nerf, well deserved. They were far too strong before
I don't like Ball Group dominance, they're a pain in the ass. I used to play in one but it got too laggy and honestly boring.
But at the same time I'm not going to say that they are a problem. 12 people decided to chose an efficient way to play, and get the best results. That's a congratulations.
I join groups and co-ordinate to get PvE titles, I don't join 11 pugs in craglorn then complain on forums that it's too hard. Does something need to change with how ball-groups and stacking healing abilities works? Yes.
Once that changes, maybe group-related changes in Cyrodiil can change again.
So...We've jumped from "I don't get the hardship" to
"Of course healers took a nerf, well deserved." And "Does something need to change with how ball-groups and stacking healing abilities works? Yes."
You spot that hardship yet?
You seem to understand it pretty well, actually. In fact, you think its a justified and necessary hardship.
Its still a hardship for the players who, unlike you, are negatively effected. It shouldn't be hard to understand that.
Duh, PVP healers who just took a massive nerf dropping from being able to heal anyone in their entire faction who was fighting in the same battle aren't going to be happy with just healing 11 other people like this is a PVE trial. What PVP healer likes watching allies they used to be able to heal last update die without being able to do anything?
Duh, PVP players who think there's a problem when ZOS exacerbates ball group dominance by handing them a massive advantage in healing over their now weakened enemies, aren't happy. Who likes seeing their groups weakened while the already dominant 12-man ball groups aren't touched?
I'm not saying anything we haven't discussed in previous threads, really. So I guess it just surprised me that after participating in several threads on the same topic with a number of PVP healers explaining their problems with the changes, you'd be here saying that you don't see the hardship and asking why we don't just heal our 12-man group in PVP. Well, we've been telling you why, if you'd care to listen.
(As for the PVE thing, well, you misrepresented the healing change. This isn't a matter of healing 12 players like this is a PVE trial. Its about healing all your allies in the same battle, in a faction-based PVP mode designed for large scale combat. In PVE and PVP both, healers used to be able to heal everyone in the same battle. PVE healers still can.
So when we look at what actually happened, you said you don't see the hardship for PVP healers to go from healing every ally on the battlefield to healing only a portion of them. There's no real PVE equivalent to that change...unless we nerfed PVE healers to only be able to heal a portion of their allies on the battlefield. And I really, really doubt you'd find many PVE healers in favor of that nerf. Again, the hardship that would result for the players who are negatively effected really isn't a mystery. And this post here suggests that you do, in fact, understand that.)
[Quoted post was removed]
[Quoted post was removed]
I'll say again, "solo" healer makes no sense as if you're alone then you are you healing? No one.
You're not solo, you're right next to a group of players on the same alliance. Join their group.
And yes, this change only benefits me and my friends as is raises the skill floor for PvP.
I believe fights shouldn't just be determined by sheer numbers. Healers should have to think about positioning and who they are healing, DDs should have to think about positioning and who can heal them. If I'm out of position in my group I died, that's my fault and means I need to improve.
hexentb16_ESO wrote: »So I've been playing ESO since PC beta. From then until a week ago I had never made a serious healer character.
Figured it was about time I did so I made a pvp healer. After a while I realized ZOS hates pvp healers. I mean, they must. Healing and damage shields are reduced. Groups are smaller. AND we can't heal anyone outside of our groups.
If I knew ZOS hated pvp healers so much I wouldn't have wasted all that time and gold making one. I would have just made another OP ball killer tank.
Honestly, if I could just heal people out side of my group I wouldn't mind the other two handicaps.
VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »I don't get the hardship, for all other content healers heal their group. Why can't you just heal your group in PvP.
If you want to draw an equivalence with PVE, let's do it properly.
PVP healers lost the ability to heal more than a limited amount of the players fighting in the same battle as them. Most large fights in Cyrodiil are considerably larger than a 12 v 12, so PVP healers cannot heal everyone on their side any longer like they used to be able to.
So to make that an equivalent nerf, let's limit dungeon healers to only healing 2 players at a time. Limit Trial healers to only healing 6 players at a time. Even that's not really equivalent, since PVP healers in large battles could heal far more than 24 players before, but we'll go with halvsies for the time being.
What happens?
Oh, your teammate took at big hit from the boss and you can't heal them? You have to stand there and watch a teammate die from mechanics because you can't heal them? That's terrible! Before the nerf, you could heal everyone in the same battle as you. You could have helped them!
I'm sure that PVE healers will line up to cheer on that change! /s
Now, we've already discussed this with you in several previous threads, so I'm not expecting you to admit that PVP healers have solid reasons to complain about no longer being able to heal everyone who's in the same battle as them. I realize that to the sort of player who views everyone else on their faction as nothing more than people who happen to be the same color and fighting the same enemy, watching thir "allies" die is no great hardship, since that sort of player tries to be self-sufficient, and wasn't intending to help them out anyway. It shouldn't be hard to figure out that healers and other support roles generally don't view their faction mates as expendable, instead preferring to, you know, support everyone in the same battle as them with heals and buffs as everyone works together for a common goal.
You don't have to agree with that - based on previous conversations, I expect you won't.
But don't be disingenuous by acting like PVP healers didn't take a massive nerf compared to the healing they used to be able to do.
(Oh, and don't complain about ball group dominance either. When you limit healing only to group members, 12-man ball groups are inevitably going to have way more healing than anyone else, especially PUGs who may or may not have picked up a healer from zone. There's another hardship, but one that gets passed on to other players primarily. Unless, of course, you like ball group dominance, in which case, carry on.)
So in your fantasy realm, you would be in a dungeon in two groups? And the healer could only heal one other person? Is that what you're trying to cook up?
Of course healers took a nerf, well deserved. They were far too strong before
I don't like Ball Group dominance, they're a pain in the ass. I used to play in one but it got too laggy and honestly boring.
But at the same time I'm not going to say that they are a problem. 12 people decided to chose an efficient way to play, and get the best results. That's a congratulations.
I join groups and co-ordinate to get PvE titles, I don't join 11 pugs in craglorn then complain on forums that it's too hard. Does something need to change with how ball-groups and stacking healing abilities works? Yes.
Once that changes, maybe group-related changes in Cyrodiil can change again.
So...We've jumped from "I don't get the hardship" to
"Of course healers took a nerf, well deserved." And "Does something need to change with how ball-groups and stacking healing abilities works? Yes."
You spot that hardship yet?
You seem to understand it pretty well, actually. In fact, you think its a justified and necessary hardship.
Its still a hardship for the players who, unlike you, are negatively effected. It shouldn't be hard to understand that.
Duh, PVP healers who just took a massive nerf dropping from being able to heal anyone in their entire faction who was fighting in the same battle aren't going to be happy with just healing 11 other people like this is a PVE trial. What PVP healer likes watching allies they used to be able to heal last update die without being able to do anything?
Duh, PVP players who think there's a problem when ZOS exacerbates ball group dominance by handing them a massive advantage in healing over their now weakened enemies, aren't happy. Who likes seeing their groups weakened while the already dominant 12-man ball groups aren't touched?
I'm not saying anything we haven't discussed in previous threads, really. So I guess it just surprised me that after participating in several threads on the same topic with a number of PVP healers explaining their problems with the changes, you'd be here saying that you don't see the hardship and asking why we don't just heal our 12-man group in PVP. Well, we've been telling you why, if you'd care to listen.
(As for the PVE thing, well, you misrepresented the healing change. This isn't a matter of healing 12 players like this is a PVE trial. Its about healing all your allies in the same battle, in a faction-based PVP mode designed for large scale combat. In PVE and PVP both, healers used to be able to heal everyone in the same battle. PVE healers still can.
So when we look at what actually happened, you said you don't see the hardship for PVP healers to go from healing every ally on the battlefield to healing only a portion of them. There's no real PVE equivalent to that change...unless we nerfed PVE healers to only be able to heal a portion of their allies on the battlefield. And I really, really doubt you'd find many PVE healers in favor of that nerf. Again, the hardship that would result for the players who are negatively effected really isn't a mystery. And this post here suggests that you do, in fact, understand that.)
[Quoted post was removed]
[Quoted post was removed]
I'll say again, "solo" healer makes no sense as if you're alone then you are you healing? No one.
You're not solo, you're right next to a group of players on the same alliance. Join their group.
And yes, this change only benefits me and my friends as is raises the skill floor for PvP.
I believe fights shouldn't just be determined by sheer numbers. Healers should have to think about positioning and who they are healing, DDs should have to think about positioning and who can heal them. If I'm out of position in my group I died, that's my fault and means I need to improve.
I believe fights shouldn't just be determined by sheer numbers. Healers should have to think about positioning and who they are healing, DDs should have to think about positioning and who can heal them. If I'm out of position in my group I died, that's my fault and means I need to improve.
It's an open world conquest map. Organic fights happen all of the time when you have no chance to make a group. Not being able to heal the ally right next to you is so broken from any perspective you look at. Damage doesn't have these restrictions. No one coming into the game as a new player would ever assume it works this way because it makes no sense.
[Edited to remove Discussing Mod Action]
Ya, I don't really know if they understand this or not. My GF and I left the game 16 months ago for close to a year because of this and I have subbed to ESO+ since day one of playing ESO, so that is a lot of lost revenue, not to mention crown store sales. I would find it hard to believe that I am the only one who is treated or feels this way. I have never felt like the "enemy" of a video game before, but I do here. I don't feel valued at all as a customer.hexentb16_ESO wrote: »If any mods are reading this, too much censorship hurts you and the company more than anything we could say. You're doing the internet equivalent of self harm.
hexentb16_ESO wrote: »So I've been playing ESO since PC beta. From then until a week ago I had never made a serious healer character.
Figured it was about time I did so I made a pvp healer. After a while I realized ZOS hates pvp healers. I mean, they must. Healing and damage shields are reduced. Groups are smaller. AND we can't heal anyone outside of our groups.
If I knew ZOS hated pvp healers so much I wouldn't have wasted all that time and gold making one. I would have just made another OP ball killer tank.
Honestly, if I could just heal people out side of my group I wouldn't mind the other two handicaps.