Anotherone773 wrote: »This event page from UESP won't answer your question but will tell you the general event order and dates of past events so you can get an idea of when they might try to slot it in. They typically wait at least a couple of weeks between events otherwise players get burn out.
Edit: From UESP..
"Dragon Rise
October 3 — October 14, 2019
Find Pathfinder locations for rewards
Dragon Rise was an Elsweyr-based event available to players who own the Elsweyr Chapter. The event ran from October 3 until October 14 and various rewards could be earned by adventuring in Northern Elsweyr and completing certain activities."
I would love to see an Elsweyr event too. Maybe they sell jodes embrace in this time.
tomofhyrule wrote: »
It's probably not accurate to match with Dragon Rise, since that was the 'mid year-long-story' event, similar to the Lost Treasures of Skyrim event we had right around the same time. They have a tendency to promote things every other year in celebration events, so I'd expect an Elsweyr one coming up this year.
The best comparison for Chapter-zone-which-will-be-two-years-old is the Summerset event, which was held in July. I'd guess if they're planning an Elsweyr celebration, it'd be about the same form as that one.
As to the early October celebration, we'll probably have that on whichever zone they're adding in the chapter, and it'll be the three tiers of rewards kind of thing again.
And maybe the impressario will sell furnishings like she did for Summerset 🥺
Edit: Sorry its Orsinium, not Dark Brotherhood, that I saw hadn't occurred in the past 2 years
The problem here is that the number of zones goes up.Events for Previous Zones should definitely happen every year.
ZOS would benefit from keeping older content relevant, especially during the dungeon dlc quarters as not everyone plays the dungeons.
Don’t let zones go dead. Give them reasons to keep going back. Give players a reason to try it out if they haven’t.
Events for Previous Zones should definitely happen every year.
ZOS would benefit from keeping older content relevant, especially during the dungeon dlc quarters as not everyone plays the dungeons.
Don’t let zones go dead. Give them reasons to keep going back. Give players a reason to try it out if they haven’t.
The problem with this is that even now there's far too many zones for this to be viable considering that they also need to have time in the calendar for the regular events such as MYM, Jester's and Anniversary.
I mean we have:
Thieves Guild.
Dark Brotherhood.
Event for this year's new chapter.
On top of these the regular ones:
IC. (Yes I know this is technically a dlc, but it's a free dlc and the only one fo two pvp events so I can't see them skipping it.)
New Life.
Even if we smush some of the DLC ones together like they're doing with CWC/Morrowind and did with DB/TG we'll end up with something like 14-15 events, which is more than one per month. Given that events tend to run a couple of weeks doing an event for every DLC each year is already untenable as it would mean non stop event and given a year or two they'd run out of space in the year.
Pixiepumpkin wrote: »
they can do each event for 2 weeks wich is only 32 weeks based on ur list. there is 52weeks in a year. so lots of time
the game will be gone before zos runs out of weeks to do events if they add 1 event per year
52-32=20. Which means less than half the year without events. Let me tell you this, constant events is not good for a game, it leads to player burnout and is generally a sign of a declining player base (or it soon will be because players get too much and give up).
I've played a lot of MMOs over the years and generally, constant running of events is really not good for the health of a game. If you don't give breaks and let players "catch up", they tend to leave. A good rule of thumb is no more than half the year filled with events to let players do other stuff.
Plus you'd really need to deduct time here also for launch of expansions of which there four per year which need their own in-game attention, even barring an event surrounding it. So really there's a lot less time than you assume. And I repeat, year round events are not a good idea.
Well...right now players are waiting years for limited time items from these DLCs to crawl back around and everyone is pretty unhappy about that so...Idk I just think maybe we could try more events to just see how it goes 😅
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
That's not true across the entire playerbase, though, @Faiza.
Players that have been around for older DLC events have been able to participate and get what they've wanted for rewards.
Bringing back those events for the sole purpose of satisfying new players' unfinished collections isn't really in everyone's (nor ZOS's) interest.
Just like any other MMO, if players pick up the game late there will invariably be rewards that are missed ...
GreenhaloX wrote: »Speaking of Elsweyr.. Why don't we get the actual Sai Sahan's shoulder piece? The current two shoulder pieces that look like roaring panthers are not the same as the one Sai is actually using in Southern Elsweyr. I would like that one; Sai's actual one-piece shoulder armor.