Which destruction staff morphs would you recommend for solo pve/dps?
If you are running the spammable, always run Crushing Shock morph. The interrupt is far more valuable in most situations than a little extra damage.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Can't say I totally agree with this, but it's a fair point. It comes down to an interrupt vs splash damage. In PVP, I always choose crushing shock, but in PVE, I often go for Force Pulse.
Two obvious things to point out if talking solo arenas. In VMA, CS can enrage the stage 7 boss, which is insta death for most beginners. The flipside is that in the minitour boss in Vateshran, CS is extremely handy. I also will run FP in some of my AOE setups for trials (almost always Ele Weapon on actual bosses).
To OP: You probably wont use every skill in the line.
-The crushing shock/FP debate is outlined above.
-Unstable wall is more damage if properly mainted then Elemental Blockade, but the latter has a longer duration and for some people, this makes it easier to manage. Good uptime on blockade, is better than poor uptime on unstable.
-Destructive Clench vs Reach, the reality is you may not use either of these. Really comes down to what you are using it for. If you want more damage, use reach. If you want some utility, use Clench depending on staff type.
-Elemental Susceptibility vs Drain. In group play, you want drain for the minor magic steal, and its also likely what you want when solo as resources can be an issue. If you have another source of magic steal or your sustain is good, Susceptibility is nice because you can cast and forget. Both morphs are free.
- Elemental Ring vs Pulsar, genearrly pulsar is the preffered PVE morph, although to be honest, neither skills sees a lot of use these days. Usually ring is used in places like PVP where you want to spam damage on a breach or something like that.
- Elemental Rage vs Eye of the Storm. Rage is the typical PVE morph (does more damage and you cast at location). Works great on stacked trash pulls or bosses that dont move. Storm is the typical PVP Morph, because you can stay close to an enemy who would likely just walk out of the stationary Rage AOE. For solo'ing in PVE, you could probably make an argument for Storm if you do a lot of kiting.
Yeah, the one thing I don't do is even bother damaging the boss on Stage 7 when he is doing his interruptible mechanic. I'm far more likely to accidentally splash kill the mage keeping me safe than I am to do enough damage to the boss lol.
But I personally like it for interrupts in dungeons as well, especially when you cannot always rely on being able to get within melee range or rely on teammates to get the interrupts.
I actually do the opposite though and run FP in PVP, as the interrupt, while useful at times in PVP, is less useful than extra damage since the number of player source interruptible functions are limited.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
Force Pulse doesn’t have extra single target damage anymore. Crushing Shock was increased to be the same damage, with interrupt and lower cost. Force Pulse just has the chance of splash damage as its morph effect.
Right. I like having that extra splash damage in PVP over the interrupt. And vice versa in PVE.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
Force Pulse doesn’t have extra single target damage anymore. Crushing Shock was increased to be the same damage, with interrupt and lower cost. Force Pulse just has the chance of splash damage as its morph effect.