Pure Gaming [Pure] we are recruiting both veteran, casual and new members into our ranks!
Who We Are:
We are a new guild that focuses on PvE content of all kinds. Our members are a mix of new and veteran players, with some of us starting our Tamriel journey back in the days of Elder Scrolls III while other members have forged close friendships in Skyrim.
What to Expect:
We are primarily a North American guild, however, we do have members who are located around the globe. We focus on events such as World Boss Trains and Dungeons
What we Offer:
-Discord: Which is full of text and voice channels for you to use and interact with guild leadership and other members.
-We encourage all members to join and to be active in our discord. Discord is one of the major foundations of the guild as it is often where important announcements are made, where we gather for events, or just to chat with our fellow guildies. Of course, no pressure, voice chat isn’t required, but instead talk to us in chat to get to know us!
-A fun, friendly atmosphere to meet some great people
What You NEED to Know:
-100% guild rep is not required.
-There is a trial process for full membership, but you can trial out if our guild is a good fit for you for 4 weeks before submitting your application.
-Involvement is key. You get what you put into the guild.
-Our peak time is on evenings and weekends (roughly after reset).
Who To Contact:
-Feel free to leave a message in this forum post or contact
@SilentTheGray for an invite or join our discord here:
Edited by SilentTheGray on December 29, 2020 12:18PM