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What kind of benefit to join some guild team?

I've been staying solo adventurer so long period. Because I want to play ESO as single play action RPG, not MMO.
So, I want to concentrate story based guest and solo dungeon. But in result, there're lot of unfinished area boss
or group dungeon on my map. I want to complete those unfinished marker as possible as I can. Joining
guild will solve unfinished marker?
My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
with [1Stam Blade].
But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
  • VaranisArano
    Group dungeons can be completed using the Groupfinder to place you in a random group with three other players to complete the dungeon. Joining a guild isn't necessary, though some guilds do focus on running dungeons. Trials are harder group content for 12 players - if you don't want to join a guild that runs trials, you might try joining one of the PUG runs that form up in Craglorn zone chat.

    Most base game world bosses are soloable if you are skilled enough, or you can ask in zone chat for assistance. Most DLC world bosses are harder and you'll want a group to take them on, but you can pick up a daily quest for killing them. Players from zone chat are often willing to group up and help out if you advertise that you have the daily quest to share.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • etchedpixels
    There are guilds that cater mainly to solo players and just get folks together from the group stuff. Casual guilds can also be good place to pick up mostly solo people for running dungeons with a better expectation of them not being toxic.

    Most of the non-dlc group dungeons you can solo although a few have mechanics that require more people. If you've got a decent hang of combat, passable gear, some kind of self heal and are past CP 160 or so I'd walk in through the door of Fungal Grotto 1 and give it ago.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • JKorr
    I've been staying solo adventurer so long period. Because I want to play ESO as single play action RPG, not MMO.
    So, I want to concentrate story based guest and solo dungeon. But in result, there're lot of unfinished area boss
    or group dungeon on my map. I want to complete those unfinished marker as possible as I can. Joining
    guild will solve unfinished marker?

    There are guilds out there who help when you want, and will totally ignore you when you don't want. Joining guild activities like skyshard runs in Cyrodiil or world boss runs is totally voluntary. If it wasn't, I'd have been kicked from my guilds a long time ago.
  • hafgood
    The thing is, by playing it as a solo rpg you are missing out on huge amounts of fun. I get that not everyone is sociable or finds talking to people they don't know daunting.

    I get that because I'm the same.

    I've never been comfortable making that first step in a conversation.

    I played the game alone for a year, I did the quests, I did the dolmens and the delves and the group dungeons.

    I didn't do dungeons or trials, only did world bosses if there was someone else there.

    Then I took the plunge. I found an over 25's guild and joined them, I slowly started to get to know them and then I started joining them in basic trials and dungeons.

    Yesterday I got the final two vet dlc dungeon clears I need and my vMOL skin. I now run that guild and we try to provide a safe place for players to learn and to grow.

    So don't think of the game as an RPG, think of it as an MMO and get to enjoy all it has to offer
  • El_Borracho
    Aside from the trading guilds, guilds are good for finding players to help complete more difficult content that you do not want to PUG. For instance, any non-Craglorn veteran trial and the majority of the veteran DLC dungeons. Guilds are also excellent sources for helping to farm sets that PUGs don't like to give up. Almost every day I play I see a guildie asking for help farming a set or a monster helm they need.

    Most guilds will not help with overland farming or world bosses. You're on your own for that.

    No offense, I wouldn't worry about joining the "toxic" guilds as they are not going to want you right now anyway. Most of the people in the "mafia" guilds or top-level endgame guilds don't recruit on these boards or on in the in-game chat.

    Best way I found to break into guilds is hang out in Craglorn and run PUGs in Hel Ra and AA. You'll come across guild members who you will (and will not) get along with. If you think you would have a good time with those people, ask if they are in a guild and if you can join. All they can say is no. But most will send you an invite.
  • idk
    There is nothing to stop a player from playing the game solo just because they are in a guild. However, being in a good social guild is helpful for when someone wants to see the stories in instances designed for a group such as dungeons and trials.

    It does not take much effort to find threads in the forums from players complaining about the group they got when they asked the GF to form a group for them. Many of them are upset because they wanted a like-minded group but got nothing of the kind. By using a guild to form one's group it becomes easier to get that like-minded group. The first guild you join may not be the right fit but do not let that deter you.

    In the end, you just might find a regular group to run with and enjoy that experience.
  • etchedpixels
    Most guilds will not help with overland farming or world bosses. You're on your own for that.

    Some do especially the more casual/questing ones. One of the guilds I am in sometimes runs world boss night once a week through all the zones. If you look around you'll find ones that do if you need it.

    Too many toons not enough time
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