Salvas_Aren wrote: »remove crown crates, or buff the chances/reduce the costs for that gambling feces
buff banker, merchant and fence to full function
add a port-out wayshrine for housing
maybe introduce multiset crafting benches, although non crown benches would be preferred, but it could also be a mix, like a base bench for crowns and attuning tokens for writs
allow to dye mounts
add monthly crown gems to ESO+
SammyKhajit wrote: »No more Pacrooti and having stuff locked behind gems and crates.
SammyKhajit wrote: »No more Pacrooti and having stuff locked behind gems and crates.
No more crates, sure...but no more Pacrooti?
1. Establish a regular rotation of items:
It doesn't help neither the developers, nor the players that 90% of Crown Store items are permanently unavailable for sometimes years at a time. Certain items haven't been put on sale for over 3 YEARS. When they do return, they are also often up for 4 days only. This makes absolutely no sense.
There are TONS of Crown Store assets that are gathering dust on a shelf somewhere, instead of being offered for sale and HAVING A CHANCE to make money from them. ZOS would be delusional to think that the LTO sales they made over 4 DAYS 2 YEARS ago is better for them, than all the sales they could have made over 2 YEARS of the item was available more regularly.
Other MMOs with such crappy microtransactions REGULARLY rotate their items. GW2 does this seasonally, switching all costumes, pets, gliders, mount licenses and other items. NOT like ESO which leaves the same 1 Skin and same 20 Costumes and same 5 Mounts in the Store for years, and only adds newer stuff for 4 days at a time, at irregular intervals. BRING BACK houses, costumes, mounts, Crown Crates more regularly into a rotation. We have tons of people wanting to throw their money at the screen, but you don't give them the chance, because you refuse to sell 90% of your CS stuff.
2. Revise Crown Prices to fit a reasonable overall standard:
Crown prices are all over the place, many of them insanely overpriced. The entire Thieves Guild DLC for example, with hours of quests, tons of voiced characters, a trial, a skill line, and a Fence assistant with functionality costs 2k Crowns. A single House Guest with a dozen recorded lines costs 2.5k. Clearly it doesn't take more money to develop a single furnishing item than an ENTIRE DLC.
Furnishing prices should be similarly standardized. Fabricant Trees for example (Crown Store exclusive ones) are 140c for one blue tree, but 870c for one purple tree. Meanwhile you can get a much nicer animated tree with falling petals all around it for 2,000 gold at a vendor. You must be nuts to think people will pay those Crowns.
Rather than pricing items at exorbitant amounts, and selling them for a minuscule number of sea-mammals, price them less and sell them to exponentially more people. When I see a single tree for 870c I will never buy it and instead look for cheaper alternatives, but when I see items priced more reasonably, I consider that a fair price and buy several.
3. Revise your Crown Crate / Crown Gem policy:
Before you try to sell us that Crown Gems are so great because they allow you buy things you want directly if you are unlucky, let me inform you that other games with Gambling Crates ALLOW YOU TO TRADE THE ITEMS WITH OTHER PEOPLE. I want an outfit in SWTOR that was in a Gambling Crate? I go to the player auction network and buy it for ingame money, because it's tradeable. I want a weapon skin in GW2 that was in a LTO Gambling Crate season a YEAR ago, I can go to the player auction house and buy it from them right now. Imagine if you could do the same in ESO: Have Crate items in tradeable Runeboxes, and have skins come on Motif Pages and Books (as they used to, before you made them a direct unlock so that people can't extract unwanted crappy skins for Gems) so they are tradeable.
Meanwhile, in ESO, the only way to acquire tons of cosmetics is to get them from the Crates at the time they are available (which is easily over 2 YEARS - IF they return at all). Cosmetics and character customisation is a large part of an MMO, and you're locking 90% of your cosmetics, mounts, etc. behind the Crown Store; not just that but Limited Time Offers in the Crown Store; and most commonly behind Gambling Crates that are LTOs and also untradeable. WTH do you think you're doing?
Crown Gem-like mechanics in GW2 for example (tokens you get from their gambling chests) are used so you can directly purchase rare drops from the Gambling Crates that you had a chance to get but didn't, and can't buy from other players. So that would mean that you'd have a chance to get Radiant Apex from the Crates when they are available, or could use those accumulated bad-luck-tokens to buy them directly afterwards. Instead in ESO, there is no way to acquire Radiant Apex (which most effort and development time goes into) other than getting 0.1% lucky at the exact time the Crates are offered, and Crown Gems are used for exclusives that are made for Crown Gems alone - like many unique pets (that again have most effort and dev time go into them, not just being reskins like 90% of others). This is super scummy.