Thank you all for being a great part of not feeling as bad as one could. Lovelies, cutearses, trolls and sittingdevices, and also all the new players!!
I hope you all find the strength to weather the current storms, take care of yourself and each other.
And a HUGE thank you to the ZoS team too, you've worked under extremely difficult circumstances and even then still managed to give a damn abut others. Thank you for all the ideas brought to life, thank you for not banning me when i loose my temper, thank you for trying. There's no words that'll cover it, you know why
Love you all, even you sittingdevices. Stay safe and remember what matters
/Ina Teh Retart Kitteh cI;-D <- Cadwell-smiley
Edit = Typos ... as usual. <;D