Why don’t you play certain roles?

What keeps you from wanting to play or enjoying certain roles. To be clear the roles in referring to are tank, healer, and dps.

I usually like tanking and healing in MMORPGs but not so much in ESO. Having to collect multiple sets (think it’s like 3-5 just for healer) is a turn off for me. I just want to play the game and work on my mechanical skills. I don’t want to have to worry about grinding that many sets, allocating space for all those sets, having to download more add ons (I really hate how much mmos rely on add ons ) and having to remember which sets I should use for each group or certain trial.

So I DPS and PvP
Edited by UGotBenched91 on December 23, 2020 2:57PM
  • etchedpixels
    As I don't care about top end vet stuff I don't worry about all the trial tank armour sets. It didn't take me too long to get enough ebon, imperium and battalion defender, and several of the other niche sets are overland so easy to get anyway (beekeeper, pariah, etc). I don't have the fancy trial sets and probably will only ever accumulate them by accident as I rarely do trials (too mechanical, too complicated to organize)

    Many of the general healing sets are also pretty easy to get. Winters respite is great and overland, sanctuary is easy to farm, hiti is not too bad. Think I have about 5 usable healing sets but it's very rare I change them around for dungeon content.

    Much of it was obtained by doing dungeons as a 4 man guild group where we all wanted some things and just traded at the end so everyone got the set they wanted. It doesn't take many trips to get a good set of pieces.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • FrancisCrawford
    I die too easily to impose myself on groups as a tank. Perhaps I'll fix that some day through solo practice.

    I don't queue as DD because it's lot easier to queue as a healer, and I enjoy the hybrid healing/DD role at least as much as do pure damage dealing.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    I'm a healer main, and my second choice is to tank. I don't really like DPSing in high-end content because there is so much toxicity about what numbers your hitting as a DPS, and I don't have enough time in my life to spend days in front of a dummy perfecting my rotation. In fact, I switch between characters too much to really stay on a super solid rotation with one character either.

    To me, DPS is so rigid in that there really is only one way to play to maximize your DPS - practice your rotation and stick to it and perfect it. And that is just not how I want to play the game. When I heal or tank, I get to react to a situation and not just go mindlessly through my rotation, so I feel more engaged when I do play.
  • Husan
    I don't heal anymore because the role is obsolete in this game barring some exceptions.
  • Khajiitihaswares
    CP points prevent me from dual roles. I rock CP setup for dungeon and trial DPS and carry gear set for no cp pvp. If I had dual spec I would tank for dungeons but probably not for pugs x.x.
  • Mythreindeer
    I have magplar that I’d like to convert to a healer but with the changes to healing in cyro and the declining need in general I probably won’t bother.

    I also have an ice warden that was my first toon I leveled to 50 and as a tank the whole way with an ice staff and then the change to the ice staff happened . I’m slowly readapting that role but my enthusiasm for playing it is considerably lessened.
  • Linaleah
    being a good dps in ESO is too stressful (I have neither reflexes, nor precice timing ability and certainly no desire to spend countless hours practicing on a dummy to slightly improve my timing only to still suck relative to what I "should" be outputting) and being a good tank is even more so (thanks to the only threat coming from single target taunt and having such a low damage, that I cannot count on THAT for threat).

    being a healer is the least stressful of the 3 dungeon roles for me (still don't enjoy it as much as I do healing in other MMO's mostly due to lack of proper targeting and triage) - so its what I play when I want to do dungeons that I cannot solo.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • svendf
    My main is a magsorc and the very first toon I created back, when I started out on PS4 6 month or so after release.

    I play all roles and only use my dd´s on Trials (is magplar and my magsorc), and they use trial gear.

    My healer´s are used in dungeons only, a chois made because I don´t wanna get involved in trials on the healer side atm.

    The same goes for my two tanks - a dk and a warden (a necre tank is coming up).

    For those, who feel they need trial gear to role out a healer or tank do mis the point regarding trial gear. You only really need that gear for specific group runs.

    You can role out some really good tanks and healers, with only craftable gear - who say you have to be a buff monkey in dungeons, because you don´t have to. What you have to focus on is to survive, and hold taunt as good as you can. That´s the main focu nothing else.

    Don´t hold yourself back. Don´t get into the trap that you have to farm for specific gear - you don´t.
  • manny254
    Healer is currently unneeded in almost all 4 man content, and tanking in trials has never looked enjoyable to me.
    - Mojican
  • Tremuto
    I like to hop around DPS and Healing on ESO, but haven't bothered to Tank. Being able to collect multiple sets for different scenarios is a good incentive to try out other builds and roles for myself.

    I main DPS, but sometimes parsing gets a bit boring and I want a bit of a change, which is why I made two healers.

    For Healing, it's sometimes a drag to have less-than-ideal DPS or a braindead Tank stroll along dungeons and take up twice the amount of time to complete pledges. It's a double edged sword; faster queue times but slower dungeon progress. It's one of the main reasons why I haven't bothered putting my healers through Trial content either. My healers get a bit dusty from time to time.

    For Tanks, I've just been lazy and haven't made one. I'm sure it would be fun, I'm not too worried about failing a group either since generally people aren't vile. I have a friend that has made SorcTanking look very fun, but leveling a new character and skills is just a drag.
  • KMarble
    I'm not good enough to be a healer or a tank, so I play a DPS.
  • Dojohoda
    Inventory space kept me from playing all of the rolls or participating in group PVE. I had mostly older sets for tank, healer, and one good new set for magicka dps but I also keep sets for PVP. There were times when my bank was almost full, housing chests full, and most characters were at 184/200. The sticker book has helped me tremendously. Now my characters are at approximately 150/200 space and I can do trials again!
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Dragonredux
    I mainly do dungeons, I find trials too rigidity and I just don't have the time for them.

    Tank is what I main. I just like being the wall for the team. I usually just equip one "selfish" set and one group support set, it's the most comfortable to me.

    Healer I usually don't mind doing though people run around like headless chickens too much.

    DPS is not my forte. I do it if we need it but the highest i think i've gotten is 35k on a 3/6m dummy. Main problem being my internet isn't the greatest and I mess up somewhere mid rotation and it throws me off.
  • Vevvev
    I play all roles, but what keeps me from enjoying the Tank role is that I keep getting grouped up with terrible DPS. So I usually queue healer since it's still in heavy demand, but then while I'm buffing everyone, and keeping them topped off, I'm doing damage. Sometimes I outperform both DPS combined, but usually only in random normals. If I do that in vet.... We're in trouble!
    Edited by Vevvev on December 23, 2020 5:31PM
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Lintashi
    I dont like playing as tank because I generally dislike melee close ranged battles. I only play ranged roles, no matter the game. I started playing eso as damage dealer, improved to mediocre dps, and decided that permanent squeezeing my build for more dps is not fun. So I became healer, and I love it. It happened in other games too, I start as dd, end up as healer. Tried leveling tank, cannot stand it, all mobs, big-sized bosses, player daedroths and flashy skills block my field of view, no matter what.
    Edited by Lintashi on December 23, 2020 5:52PM
  • idk
    Umm. I play all three roles and have from the first year ESO was live. Heck, my first clears of trials were on a healer, and in 2014 did leaderboard clears of vDSA in all three roles (though healing was really 50/50). Nothing has changed since then.
  • Jeremy
    What keeps you from wanting to play or enjoying certain roles. To be clear the roles in referring to are tank, healer, and dps.

    I usually like tanking and healing in MMORPGs but not so much in ESO. Having to collect multiple sets (think it’s like 3-5 just for healer) is a turn off for me. I just want to play the game and work on my mechanical skills. I don’t want to have to worry about grinding that many sets, allocating space for all those sets, having to download more add ons (I really hate how much mmos rely on add ons ) and having to remember which sets I should use for each group or certain trial.

    So I DPS and PvP

    The visual obstruction issues with tank are probably the biggest complaint I have right now concerning the gameplay in respect to the three combat roles in PvE. I'm so sick of having Daedroths in my face I better not go into detail or I'll get banned for salty language. Healing used to be a real pain in the rear for me too. But they largely addressed this issue awhile back when they included rapid regen and gave us an effective heal that wasn't reliant on having LoS on your target (which just isn't a feasible way to heal on this game).

    I never had any game-related issues specifically when playing my DPS. At least not that I can recall.
    Edited by Jeremy on December 23, 2020 6:50PM
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    I don't particularly care for DPS.

    The mindless parsing, and the need to have a perfectly flawless rotation and being expected to crank out 50k, 60k, 70k+ DPS is just *yawn* to me.

    I find I have a bit more creative freedom, individuality, and purpose, in creating tank and healer builds and using those in my group content.
  • UGotBenched91
    Also I would love to play an archer/ archer build but sadly I need a good solo build and I haven’t found a build that works for solo with only bow
  • spartaxoxo
    I play them all now but avoided tank for years because of fake dps making the experience miserable in que'ed content. I never had the heart to leave them high and dry so I would just hate everything but keep pressing forward. Now I don't have that mindset. I'm over it. Shape up or I Ship out. Much happier playing tank now that I have given myself boundaries.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on December 23, 2020 10:08PM
  • Sheezabeast
    I won't dare dip my toe into vet DPS. With DPS meters, people seeing output, there is no way I want to have to explain that I am 34, have a janky laptop, don't care about the speed of which I can animation cancel, and that I just want to enjoy a dungeon. I much prefer vet heals and normal tanking.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • stefj68
    I won't dare dip my toe into vet DPS. With DPS meters, people seeing output, there is no way I want to have to explain that I am 34, have a janky laptop, don't care about the speed of which I can animation cancel, and that I just want to enjoy a dungeon. I much prefer vet heals and normal tanking.

    i still feel that animation cancelling/weaving is not realistic... stopping a huge swing half way, to kick instead and getting both results for me feel bad.

    i know i have the gear to push for vets contents, but sitting at a dummy for hours, tyring to master a rotation that i have to cheat ... "feel like it' to get the numbers up... i prefer do normal stuff.
  • UGotBenched91
    stefj68 wrote: »
    I won't dare dip my toe into vet DPS. With DPS meters, people seeing output, there is no way I want to have to explain that I am 34, have a janky laptop, don't care about the speed of which I can animation cancel, and that I just want to enjoy a dungeon. I much prefer vet heals and normal tanking.

    i still feel that animation cancelling/weaving is not realistic... stopping a huge swing half way, to kick instead and getting both results for me feel bad.

    i know i have the gear to push for vets contents, but sitting at a dummy for hours, tyring to master a rotation that i have to cheat ... "feel like it' to get the numbers up... i prefer do normal stuff.

    Yeah I’m not a fan of animation cancelling myself. It just feels awkward and it’s silly that a glitch was just accepted and allowed to exist. I wonder if it didn’t exist how it would impact dungeons, etc.
  • Scardan
    Tanking - I do no damage, not enjoyable.

    I could play as healer, I am magcro anyway. Healing people is fun. But I still prefer to kill things.
    Edited by Scardan on December 23, 2020 10:49PM
    Let's be extremely precise in our use of terms.
  • theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO
    I've never healed largely due to the gear farm. I don't have the sets for trial content and most vet dungeons can be done with 3 dps. Might change with sticker book but eh.
  • SickleCider
    I am a magSorc DPS on PS4. I make the big numbers on the screen. Numbers, crystal frag numbers, elemental storm numbers, critical numbers, five digit numbers, orange numbers. I'm too lazy to learn how to do anything else. Only numbers.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • UGotBenched91
    I've never healed largely due to the gear farm. I don't have the sets for trial content and most vet dungeons can be done with 3 dps. Might change with sticker book but eh.

    Yeah that’s what keeps me from wanting to run a healer. Don’t want to have to store a bunch of sets especially since I’m not eso+.

  • Hapexamendios
    For all normal and easier vet content, I can fulfill any role adequately. For vet DLC/trials I pretty much only DPS. Can't tank or heal well enough for those.
  • ArchMikem
    In a game where you have to do damage in order to progress, playing DD is the easiest and most common sense decision to make. I like everyone else, made characters first that did damage, even when I didn't even know how the combat mechanics in ESO worked during my first year.

    The next role I got into was Healing. I have a particular interest in playing Support roles in multiplayers, since I otherwise suck at straight up fighting compared to most other gamers. (The road to AvA Praetorian on my StamBlade was paved in my own corpses) I found Healing to be relatively simple. Tanks and DDs take aggro away from you and Healing spells scale off your offensive stats, so you can build like a DD but slot Healing abilities. Make sure to keep casting on your friendlies and viola, you're a decent Healer. I Healed many a Dungeon and some Trials.

    It took me a LONG time to finally build a Tank. The role intimidated me. Tanks to me are the default leader of Dungeon and Trial groups. They're basically what determines if the group will wipe or not, and all that pressure scared me off for a while. But with any role, you'll only get better at it if you actually play it. I looked at builds posted online as guidelines, got the more easier to acquire gear sets, put them on my StamDK and put my foot in the door. At first I Tanked Normal Dungeons before trying some of the easier ones on Vet, all the while editing my build, making some minute changes here and there. Now I'm just fine taking my Tank into most Vet Dungeons. The DLC ones are still iffy, and I have done a couple of them but I'd need a good group and to psyche myself up for them. I already decided I will never Tank a Trial. I don't want 11 players upset with me.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Icy_Waffles
    I like tanking and dps. I hate healing. Outside of trials and pvp, healers are generally not needed and a waste of group space. Healing is also boring to me.
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