Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
UGotBenched91 wrote: »What keeps you from wanting to play or enjoying certain roles. To be clear the roles in referring to are tank, healer, and dps.
I usually like tanking and healing in MMORPGs but not so much in ESO. Having to collect multiple sets (think it’s like 3-5 just for healer) is a turn off for me. I just want to play the game and work on my mechanical skills. I don’t want to have to worry about grinding that many sets, allocating space for all those sets, having to download more add ons (I really hate how much mmos rely on add ons ) and having to remember which sets I should use for each group or certain trial.
So I DPS and PvP
Sheezabeast wrote: »I won't dare dip my toe into vet DPS. With DPS meters, people seeing output, there is no way I want to have to explain that I am 34, have a janky laptop, don't care about the speed of which I can animation cancel, and that I just want to enjoy a dungeon. I much prefer vet heals and normal tanking.
Sheezabeast wrote: »I won't dare dip my toe into vet DPS. With DPS meters, people seeing output, there is no way I want to have to explain that I am 34, have a janky laptop, don't care about the speed of which I can animation cancel, and that I just want to enjoy a dungeon. I much prefer vet heals and normal tanking.
i still feel that animation cancelling/weaving is not realistic... stopping a huge swing half way, to kick instead and getting both results for me feel bad.
i know i have the gear to push for vets contents, but sitting at a dummy for hours, tyring to master a rotation that i have to cheat ... "feel like it' to get the numbers up... i prefer do normal stuff.
theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO wrote: »I've never healed largely due to the gear farm. I don't have the sets for trial content and most vet dungeons can be done with 3 dps. Might change with sticker book but eh.