So I've been having a problem with my skills casting twice. Seems to be worse in dungeons than in overland, but it happens there as well. And before my controller or console gets blamed my sister has the same problem as well, and I'm 99.9% sure it's not our internet because then we'd be having similar problems with other online games. I think it started happening sometime around stonethorn, but I'm not 100% on that because most of this year has been a big ol blur. It seems to possibly be connected with the weird skill and bar swap delay because it happens frequently when those issues do.
Basically I go to cast a skill and it doesn't go off immediately, but I continue with my rotation like normal and when I click my next skill it casts the previous one twice. Example I cast wall of elements, light attack (if that decides to actually go off), then my shield, instead of my shield going up it'll just slam down wall of elements twice. Idk if this is just a PS4 issue or something, or if it really is my internet (though I don't understand why only eso would be affected so I doubt it). Is anyone else having this happen or am I just cursed?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on March 2, 2024 4:42AM