Please create a cowboy hat we can purchase and wear on our toons! That would be SOOOO cool!
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »
The closest you get to that are the Winter Broadrim ones, that was in the store recently.
Anything more "cowboy" hat-ish than them doesn't belong in Elder Scrolls. They are pretty bad as it is.
MisterGibs wrote: »During the witches festival, there's the mourning hats. Made me a good ol' fashioned outlaw with one.
Please create a cowboy hat we can purchase and wear on our toons! That would be SOOOO cool!
Are you talking about the stereotypical "10 gallon" cowboy hat, or hats that would fit a cowboy cosplay? Cause there are hats that would fit the description. Mourning hats, the werewolf hunter hat....