Another Queue Bug

ran two dungeons with a friend and then on the third attempt after 10 min in the queue (I was tank) I tried to end it and nothing would happen, tried to disband the group and that wouldn't work, went to the character screen and back in and I was still in the queue but the group was disbanded. Tried to invite my friend again and it told me the friend didn't accept when they were accepting (were in the same house) . It then popped up the dungeon finder letting me know a group had been formed and I declined. Exited the game and logged back in, now I can create the group but it shows I'm in the queue and won't let me leave no matter what, gone to the character screen, exited again, loaded another character. Still when I go back to my character is shows I'm in the queue.
  • Kaartinen
    I had a permanent auto-queue that would start upon log in and never complete for the last few days. Game support did not even offer to help when asked.

    In order to fix it I joined a group, made someone else the leader, and then left the group. I haven't had any issues since.
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