Yesterday I was given a gaming pc as a gift(as a father of 5 i never could see spending a few k on a game system for myself. Family(wife) decided I deserved one) while it's not top of the line it has no problems running eso on max settings (i think my fps dropped from 100 to 70 standing in front of Breda today.
My question is would it be worth giving up 5 years, 900cp, several maxed characters, motifs etc to restart? Is pc that much better? Add ons seem helpful but used to looking up locations.(honestly leaning towards yes here. Just feeling the pain of starting over 😂
If so, is it worth relearning keyboard and mouse? I played EQ for years so I'm sure it'll come back while I raise a character(i do have a gaming mouse with 12 buttons on the side to remap)
How many have left console for pc or vice versa?(i like the idea of Xbox live not messing me up. How bad is steam?