I know this will seem trivial to some people, and others won't care at all, but to me it's a big deal and I wanted to celebrate it. (Plus we're all adults here, so I'm sure people who don't care about indriks will be mature enough to skip the topic and find something more worthwhile to spend their time on.)
I liked the indrik mounts since they were first data-mined (thank you BTW data miners for the helpful info on upcoming stuff) and wanted to get at least one or two, so I was plesantly surprised and excited when it was announced that instead of going into crown crates as I'd feared or even straight into the crown store they would instead join the very short list of mounts obtainable in the game!
But I was also concerned. As I've often mentioned in this forum my free time is limited and unpredictable thanks to a combination of my job, living away from my family and my other hobbies. It's not at all uncommon to find out I won't be able to log in for a week just a few days before it happens, or to miss days here and there just because I'm not home for 24 hours or more, so the prospect of doing enough event activities to earn the required tickets seemed daunting. But I wanted to try and see how it went.
It took some planning. In 2019 I had a 'chart' scribbled on a piece of paper to track how many feathers and berries I needed, how many tickets were available in each event and how many of those I'd actually be able to get. In addition to getting the feather/berries I needed from each event I always tried to end each one with 10 tickets, so if the next event fell during a time I was away I only needed just enough time to log in and grab the berry.
2020 was easier of course because like so many people I've been severely restricted in what I could do. (I actually went 6 months without leaving my town, I don't think I've ever done that in my life before!) but there were still unexpected problems, like the time my computer died on a Wednesday and wasn't back up until the following Sunday.
Even so I always managed to scrape by, or catch up and finally, today I got my last berry and unlocked the final indrik evolution, plus re-making my nascent (which is actually one of my favourites)!

It's been an experience. 19 events, some of which I hadn't done before, 680 tickets, 36 feathers, 32 berries, but I did it.
So here's to Sinda, Luine, Malta, Morna, Ilca, Eala, Helca, Laica and Narwa, plus little Celin (the only pet I managed to get), the times we've had so far and the fun we're going to have from now on!
PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
"Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"