Still crashing in dungeons and trials

While the rate of crashing has definitely improved (yay!), I'm still experiencing crashes and observing group members crashing.

1) Crash to desktop during a vet Kyne's Aegis on the final boss when he breaks the floor. This happened on the NA server.

2) Crash to login with an error message in a normal City of Ash I while going up the stairs to the next-to-last boss before combat started. I was kicked back to the login screen (where you enter your username and password, not where you choose your character) with an error box popup saying something along the lines of "An error has occurred. Please wait a few minutes and try again." This happened on the EU server.

In both cases, it took a minute or so before the server decided I was offline and let me log back in. That's probably the most disruptive part of the crashes - having to wait to log back in.

The trial crashes I've observed other people having were all CTDs, always in combat to the best of my knowledge. I don't know whether the dungeon group member crashes were like mine, or if they had different error, or if they were CTDs; but the majority of them were not in combat and often right at a transition of a doorway or portal (unlike mine described above).

Please let me know if there's other information I can provide to help.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on December 15, 2020 11:54PM
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