So, I finally got a BSW inferno staff. Dropped in an RND I was running for tickets. I thought they were a myth. Or a meme. I was thinking maybe it was about time I redid my mag DK. Haven't touched his pve gear in ages. Some questions -
- How good is BSW nowadays? I know it was once BIS, but that was a long time ago. Obviously trial sets would surpass it today but I never really got into that side of the game. Compared to crafted sets like julianos, overland sets like errm silks or other dungeons sets, is it still worth it on a mag DK? I see alcast's pre trial dk set up is julianos - MS.
- What's a good set to pair it with? I'm sort of assuming the logical thing would be to FB BSW, put a maelstrom inferno on the BB, and put mother's sorrow on the body. I wear it on tons of toons and it seems pretty good but I always have a slight doubt in the back of my mind with it. I know alcast etc recommend it - but alcast and co assume perfect groups where you've got people running alkosh etc and high major force uptime. Most groups I see bear little resemblance to that so I'm generally running lover for the extra pen to get near the cap and may or may not see many warhorns. In a world like that, is MS still BIS below trial gear?
- Traits - assuming I did go for that set up, what's the best trait for a FB staff for a mag dk? I usually run precise for pve and sharpened for pvp - but I've read a few comments about running charged on magDK's to trigger the combustion passive. How's that working out for people? Of all my toons, I find the magdk struggles the most with sustain, to the point that, at least for tooling around, I run atronach quite often.
cheers L