PS4 Pro NA, wish to solve a mystery!
I hadn't played for about a week. The day before yesterday I logged into the game and was almost immediately taken by how nice it looked. The lighting effects look cleaner, the textures have higher fidelity, and there are new little particle effects on skills. Even my toons' faces look cleaner. Not only that, but my frame rate has been much more stable, and higher overall.
Nothing has changed, except maybe that I had my PS4 off for a week.
Anyway, thought it was just me and perhaps I wasn't paying attention to little details before (doubtful, as someone that gets hung up on details), but a friend logged in and literally the first thing she said to me was, "Is it just me or does the game look crisp?"✨
Anyone else?
Edited by SickleCider on December 4, 2020 2:20PM ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨