Draconerus wrote: »Dang. I paid to furnish the house but it put all empty bookshelves and scarcely decorated dressers etc.
Vulsahdaal wrote: »Draconerus wrote: »Dang. I paid to furnish the house but it put all empty bookshelves and scarcely decorated dressers etc.
As mentioned, you can get books from Mages Guild to place there or you can also add whatever items you like, no one says it has to be books (unless you want them to be).
Just a couple of items can 'dress up' a dresser as well
Draconerus wrote: »Dang. I paid to furnish the house but it put all empty bookshelves and scarcely decorated dressers etc.
Draconerus wrote: »Dang. I paid to furnish the house but it put all empty bookshelves and scarcely decorated dressers etc.
Did you buy a furnished house (with crowns) or did you pay someone to decorate it for you?
If it was the former, you can see what comes with any house before buying it by choosing "furnished" on the drop down menu. What you see on the loading screen is NOT what you'll get.
If it was the latter, a decorator can only place items that you have in the house. They will either ask you to acquire items they'll then place or make them for you, usually for a fee.
There are bookshelves furnishings that have books (and some also have some knickknacks) . Redguard, Alinor, Murkmire, Elsweyr, Solitude, Vampire, Dwemer and Ayleid styles all furnishing plans that have bookshelves with books in them.
Draconerus wrote: »I have a question on housing, furniture and guests. Am I supposed to be able to interact with my guest? Is there a way to make them sit on furniture and read and such to make them more lively? My guest just stands there. Also, I have plenty of bookshelves but they are all empty. Is there a way to fill these bookshelves with books?