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Guessing 2021 plot (way too early)

Hello dear forumers,

Here's my try at guessing the 2021 plot for the whole year. Feel free to comment or add your own version.

Q1 DLC - Dungeons
Lyris Titan returns to Skingrad and finds out cases of Knahaten flu there. She tries to help Skingrad natives and Cyrodiil refugees, but some Daedric cultists block the incoming supplies and make the situation worse. She calls your help to open the path and investigate about that cult.
- Venture into the woods around Skingrad to hunt down the cultists that block the supplies.
- Explore a hidden Daedric temple and try to discover who the cultists worship.

Q2 DLC - Chapter
While trying to help Lyris, you are sent to the east, where earlier cases of Knahaten flu where spotted and a cure is researched in south Nibenay basin. Meet up familiar faces in Leyawiin.
- Jorvuld Davaux (healer - see Scalecaller peak dg) expects to find a cure for the flu and needs your help to gather rare ingredients.
- Marthine (Peryite worshipper - see north Elsweyr/Orcrest quest) has received the blessing of Peryite, but instead of also getting the flu, he seems completely immune to it. He asks your protection as the cultists from DLC Q1 seem to try to kill him. You then have to go through a series of trials of worthiness to invoke Peryite and ask him his blessing, so you won't also die of the flu, and may share this blessing as a cure.
- Abnur Tharn Vanus Galerion was also trying to help the refugees, and will teach you battlemage skills to fight the cultists. This will require you to get into Ayleid ruins to imbue yourself with magic runes (new skill line).
- Following the path of defeated Molag Bal, some cultists of Mehrunes Dagon are trying to restart the planemeld by opening gates to Oblivion, with incoming waves of hostile daedras as a result. The ruler of Leyawiin asks your help to stop that cult.

Q3 DLC - Dungeons
- Some argonian tribe in east Black Marsh asks your help, as some weird crystal formations have taken on their Hist, spreading from a daedric breach.
- Your help is requested to close a breach from some daedric realm to some ayleid temple, from where the flu has spread as an origin point.

Q4 DLC - Region
It appears Mehrunes Dagon has nothing to do with the flu, he just jumped on an opportunity when another prince spread the flu on Tamriel. The breaches point directly to Sheogorath's realm, but the crystals seem to be imbued with Jyggalag's energy. As a result, Sheogorath invites you to the Shivering Isles, expecting the blessing of Peryite would prevent you to fall from the desease.
Edited by MerguezMan on December 3, 2020 3:15PM
  • SshadowSscale
    I would rather want to see the deadric realms as a chapter than a small dlc zone
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Hoping for some Dark Brotherhood interest. There's not much else to do in Skingrad.
    PC EU
  • MerguezMan
    Please note the above predictions are pure speculation from hints ingame and on the internet. And that I'm rather bad at guessing games ;)

    @SshadowSscale : 2021 is supposedly TES IV's anniversary, so I guess we'll rather see a return to Cyrodiil in some way.
    Shivering Isles being one of the most beloved DLCs in the series, there's a good chance to see it again, in 2021 or later.

    @RaddlemanNumber7 : maybe we'll see more DB in sidequests, but as DB skill line is part of a separate DLC, we can hardly expect much more (unless ZoS decides at some point an overhaul of previous DLCs).
  • Katheriah
    I think they will create a story around crashes, so they don't have to figure out how to fix the crashes.
  • Aristocles22
    Maybe they'll justify the crashes as the fabric of reality weakening without the dragonfires being lit or the towers being messed around with or something.
  • Chaos2088
    Could see the Shivering Isles as a chapter in its own right.

    I would like any of the major Daedric realms of Oblivion to be chapter size, like coldhabour.

    Also I think we will come across Lyris and Sai-Sahan but as a side quest/see them just relaxing. Them not wanting to over use those chacters I think.

    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • gepe87
    One chapter with Skingrad alone as main city seems lackluster.
    Give us Colored Rooms plane as chapter :D
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • MaisonNaevius
    gepe87 wrote: »
    One chapter with Skingrad alone as main city seems lackluster.
    Give us Colored Rooms plane as chapter :D

    It's not just Skingrad. There is also Sutch in the north of the Gold Coast. We should also have Sarchal in the southern Colovian Highland between Kvatch and Skingrad unless he is moved further north to fill the Imperial Reserve (or so, Sarchal who is not very popular with players won't see the day).

    I doubt we will see Lyris again. Unless we find the Five Companions in the epilogue of Q4 DLC (with some replacements).

    > Wiki spécialisé sur Cyrodiil / en cour de rédaction <

    - Naevius-
  • idk
    I think space aliens will come to Nirn. The space aliens are actually Dwemer descendants and had rescued the soul of Varen Aquilarios and placed him into a dwemer construct of sorts.

    The reason for their return to Nirn is an imminent invasion by space monsters who plan to hunt and destroy each great being on Tamrial including the divines, daedric princes, and our character.

    Our job, if we choose to accept it, is to once again save Tamrial from complete and utter destruction.

    Oh, BTW, the Dwemer race will become playable when the chapter goes live.

    I am just guessing here, but think this would be an amazing story. We are not alone.
  • MerguezMan
    idk wrote: »
    I am just guessing here, but think this would be an amazing story.

    It would indeed be great to see Dwemers, though a "return" of Dwemers is unlikely and would be completely inconsistent with the timeline. ESO happens around 2E582.

    As depicted in Skyrim, about 4E201, Tamriel has still no idea what exactly did happen to Dwemers, and have not seen any alive, except Yagrum Bagarn (3E427, in Morrowind), who was in another dimension at the moment of the battle of the Red Mountain, and spent the rest of his life searching for his people.

    What could happen is a flashback exploring the past, when Dwemers were still alive, and stopping before the battle of the Red Mountain (1E700), so their disappearance remains consistently unsolved. Time travel may happen with Thaddeus Cosma (met in Nchuthnkarst, Greymoor chapter).

    If Dwemers would return in TES lore, that would rather be in TES VII than in ESO (considering TES VI is supposed to happen few years before the events of Skyrim).
  • MaisonNaevius
    Q1 Dungeon DLC
    The mystical threat begins to emerge. They could be Daedric followers of Merhunes Dagon.
    Places of action ? I suspect Balfiera or Stirk (or maybe Rictus). But I'm wondering if these locations won't be used for the prologue.

    Q2 Chapter
    Maybe we'll be with Gilraen ? Or Vinedusk ? See other reunions ? No. I don't see Lyris return. Maybe... Mannimarco ? (about Five Companions).
    We will warn Count of Skingrad of the Daedric threat. This one takes us out, not being convinced of our warnings.
    The Count has an antagonistic profile anyway (the Vestige has an opinion of alliances anyway) : For the invasions of 565, 580, 582 .. we notice that the Legion was less and less effective. The Count is a cunning opportunist with his sights set on the Ruby Throne (he's loyal to the Empire anyway). Maybe he finally turned to Dagon? Like many Colovians of this generation ultimately turning to the Daedra.

    The Count of Sutch could be a Reddarn v2. As for Count Calantius of Skingrad, he would be a Svargrim v2 (he has something to be paranoid : Dominion in the south, Convenant in the north, vampires and werewolves in his region, War in the east).

    Dagon will have lieutenants. There will surely be betrayals (the count towards his people or the allies of Dagon between them). If it's not the Count of Skingrad, a lieutenant will be the final boss. It will be the same for the DLC Q4 and finally Dagon in the epilogue.

    This Chapter could also be Colovia split with the Empire.

    Q3 and Q4
    Wait and see... Rumors speak of Dagon's realm.
    Edited by MaisonNaevius on December 7, 2020 1:17PM
    > Wiki spécialisé sur Cyrodiil / en cour de rédaction <

    - Naevius-
  • Thevampirenight
    Next year is Oblivion's 15th anniversery. So clearly its going to be in Cyrodiil.
    As for plot it could be anything. But do to some bloopers from Zenimax. Dagon looks to be playing a major part in it.
    If you noticed they take from Themes seen in the games I feel.
    This year, was vampires, they played a major role in Dawnguard. Werewolves they played a major role in the Companions questline. Witches did as well because they played a role there. So I think they took those elements from Skyrim.

    Dagon will likely play a major huge role. That is a given, but then there is another thing that keeps popping up over and over again and you see it in the names for two crown crate pets from the Sovengard crates.
    The word ghost comes up quite a lot in Greymoor and The Reach. Even in contexts where you wouldn't use that word.

    Ghosts did play some major roles in Oblivion and in some very notable quests. That make me suspect they will be apart of the theme. You had the Akaviri Ghosts in the main questline. You had the haunted house in Anvil. You had the Ghost in Bravil that leads you to a ship where you can free him and face a wraith. Ghosts played a huge role in the Knights of the Nine. Then you had the Ghosts on the hill of Suicides and also that one unique ghost quest in the Shivering Isles. Not to mention you could summon the Ghost of Rufio and the one ghost at applewatch farm.

    But Skingrad region has been the site of numerous battles. Battlefields and stuff. I suspect we will get haunted battlefields. Within the region next year and maybe some quests related to them and maybe important for the overall storyline. So I'm expecting it will be somewhat like Glenumbra.

    Sheogorath I don't think will play a major role but I do think he will show up hopefully voiced by Wes Johnson. So its possible we will see some interesting content related to that.

    So the themes could be based on anything from Oblivion. Given the new thing teaser gift that came today on twitter. That shows what looks to be Eveli Sharp-Arrow with a book that I suspect is the Mysterium Xarxes.
    The plot may be involved around her and the Book she is holding. I think its going to play a major major role next year. We will have to wait for thursday but we might get a better idea of the plot if its next years trailer.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on December 9, 2020 12:44AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • MerguezMan
    So the themes could be based on anything from Oblivion. Given the new thing teaser gift that came today on twitter. That shows what looks to be Eveli Sharp-Arrow with a book that I suspect is the Mysterium Xarxes.

    Saw that.

    - the girl seems asleep, having a nightmare, so that could point out to a Vaermina plot (though we already had lots about her in Stormhaven).
    - the book is enlighten when she moves her hand above it, it's unclear if she is casting something on the book, or if something else would make the book glow. That book could be the Oghma Infinium, which would point out to a Hermaeus Mora plot (though we already had it in Reaper's march public dungeon and around Craglorn).

    - or indeed, that is the Mysterium Xarxes, which supposedly requires magical protection for the reader, and allows to open portals to Oblivion.


    - or she is magically loading the book. It might take longer than usual.
    Edited by MerguezMan on December 9, 2020 9:09PM
  • Ajaxandriel

    An elf ... hard to say if Altmer (blonde) or Bosmer (tiny).

    The cursed or draeming book...
    If it were an Altmer girl, I'd say it's about the necromancer who escaped from the Direnni castle in Summerset chapter. Then the DLC could reveal Balfiera.

    But she's most likely a Bosmer, as she wears only leather. Her haircut reminds me the wood elf we met during the Orsinium/Wrothgar campaign, so maybe she's Eveli Swift-arrow?
    ( )

    So I bet on the Bosmer of Falinesti ! There were no new woodelf stuff since 2014, it should be their turn!
    Edited by Ajaxandriel on December 10, 2020 8:16PM
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
    Ajaxandriel - haut-elfe gardien 50 ;
    Altarya - haute-elfe templière 50 ;
    Angelith - elfe des bois gardienne 50 ;
    Antarius Scorpio - impérial chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Artémidore de Corbeaulieu - bréton lame noire 50 ;
    Azothos Sadras - elfe noir sorcier 50 ;
    Celestras - haut-elfe sorcier 50 ;
    Diluviatar - elfe des mers sorcier 50 ;
    Dorguldun gro-Arash - orque sorcier 50 ;
    Hjarnar - nordique sorcier 50 ;
    Jendaya al-Gilane - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Sabbathnazar Ullikummi - elfe noir chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Selvaryn Virotès - elfe noire lame noire 50 ;
    Tahajmi - khajiit sorcière 50 ;
    Telernil - haut-elfe templier 50 ;
    Zadzadak - gobelin nécromancien 50 ;
    Zandoga - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50
  • Ajaxandriel
    Well then, we got the whole trailer. Season of (the) Dagon.

    Still having hope about Falinesti as a DLC, but most likely imperial stuff. Blackwood perhaps.
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
    Ajaxandriel - haut-elfe gardien 50 ;
    Altarya - haute-elfe templière 50 ;
    Angelith - elfe des bois gardienne 50 ;
    Antarius Scorpio - impérial chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Artémidore de Corbeaulieu - bréton lame noire 50 ;
    Azothos Sadras - elfe noir sorcier 50 ;
    Celestras - haut-elfe sorcier 50 ;
    Diluviatar - elfe des mers sorcier 50 ;
    Dorguldun gro-Arash - orque sorcier 50 ;
    Hjarnar - nordique sorcier 50 ;
    Jendaya al-Gilane - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Sabbathnazar Ullikummi - elfe noir chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Selvaryn Virotès - elfe noire lame noire 50 ;
    Tahajmi - khajiit sorcière 50 ;
    Telernil - haut-elfe templier 50 ;
    Zadzadak - gobelin nécromancien 50 ;
    Zandoga - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50
  • Nareya726
    gepe87 wrote: »
    One chapter with Skingrad alone as main city seems lackluster.
    Give us Colored Rooms plane as chapter :D

    Yes please, I have a vendetta to settle 😂

    Seriously though, if it's another "year of", I have very low expectations for the chapter. I liked Markarth, but Greymoor's main quest was essentially a dragged out, overpriced prologue to that.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    If Skingrad is delegated to just a dungeon set and if Sheogorath is involved at all I will be so mad LOL
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • The_Drop_Bear
    MerguezMan wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    I am just guessing here, but think this would be an amazing story.

    It would indeed be great to see Dwemers, though a "return" of Dwemers is unlikely and would be completely inconsistent with the timeline. ESO happens around 2E582.

    As depicted in Skyrim, about 4E201, Tamriel has still no idea what exactly did happen to Dwemers, and have not seen any alive, except Yagrum Bagarn (3E427, in Morrowind), who was in another dimension at the moment of the battle of the Red Mountain, and spent the rest of his life searching for his people.

    What could happen is a flashback exploring the past, when Dwemers were still alive, and stopping before the battle of the Red Mountain (1E700), so their disappearance remains consistently unsolved. Time travel may happen with Thaddeus Cosma (met in Nchuthnkarst, Greymoor chapter).

    If Dwemers would return in TES lore, that would rather be in TES VII than in ESO (considering TES VI is supposed to happen few years before the events of Skyrim).

    What makes you think TES VI will be before Skyrim, it will almost certainly be afterwards otherwise the story won't move forwards
  • MerguezMan
    MerguezMan wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    I am just guessing here, but think this would be an amazing story.

    It would indeed be great to see Dwemers, though a "return" of Dwemers is unlikely and would be completely inconsistent with the timeline. ESO happens around 2E582.

    As depicted in Skyrim, about 4E201, Tamriel has still no idea what exactly did happen to Dwemers, and have not seen any alive, except Yagrum Bagarn (3E427, in Morrowind), who was in another dimension at the moment of the battle of the Red Mountain, and spent the rest of his life searching for his people.

    What could happen is a flashback exploring the past, when Dwemers were still alive, and stopping before the battle of the Red Mountain (1E700), so their disappearance remains consistently unsolved. Time travel may happen with Thaddeus Cosma (met in Nchuthnkarst, Greymoor chapter).

    If Dwemers would return in TES lore, that would rather be in TES VII than in ESO (considering TES VI is supposed to happen few years before the events of Skyrim).

    What makes you think TES VI will be before Skyrim, it will almost certainly be afterwards otherwise the story won't move forwards

    Double-checked my infos, sorry, fake "Redfall" news.
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