Well another annoying bug, or new feature. You could use Items of useable items right after one another, now the inventory resets back to all items every single time, as I opened my rewards of the worthy it took me like 10 minutes just because of that, normally I just spam E+R through them all, now thats not possible anymore...
-- Function overload to fix inventory bug for version 6.2.7 -- https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/7031199#Comment_7031199 -- /esoui/ingame/inventory/backpacklayouts.lua ZO_BackpackLayoutFragment.Hide = function(self) self:OnHidden() end
Sylvermynx wrote: »It's Baertram's Advanced Filters addon: https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2215-AdvancedFilters-Updated.html