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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Black Friday 2020 is that it?

two crappy packs and a load of discounts on motiffs/
  • idk
    Have they offers sales on houses for Black Friday before?
  • kaisernick
    idk wrote: »
    Have they offers sales on houses for Black Friday before?

    yes, they also have often brought back houses though not on sale like linchal manor or the argonian island yet nothing this year.
    Edited by kaisernick on November 25, 2020 3:45PM
  • Nairinhe
    kaisernick wrote: »
    two crappy packs and a load of discounts on motiffs/

    And those are all sub deals except the old pack, if I'm not mistaken
  • Araneae6537
    kaisernick wrote: »
    two crappy packs and a load of discounts on motiffs/

    I wouldn’t buy the motifs even at those “discounts” — they can be earned or bought with gold from traders at a MUCH better rate!

    Edit: And yeah, seeing some of those houses return EVER would be nice... :unamused:
    Edited by Araneae6537 on November 25, 2020 4:24PM
  • voreo
    I was hopeful to see Assistants marked down a pretty margin, still want the merchant.

    Would of loved to see Clockwork City at least go on sale too, as I currently don't have access to the xmute station D:
    Argonian Dragonknight

  • Kiyakotari
    Those motifs are also only on discount because they're they're all being removed from the Crown Store after this, and they're trying to get a final push in sales.

    I love that they have the Black Fredas Specials advertised as "An 8,100 Crown Value for 1,900 Crowns! Over 75% Off!" Because no one wants those consumables unless they're a new player or leveling a new character. Which means it's actually a 1,900 Crown mount...and a bunch of junk we already get in Daily Rewards and have to throw away.
  • Araneae6537
    Kiyakotari wrote: »
    Those motifs are also only on discount because they're they're all being removed from the Crown Store after this, and they're trying to get a final push in sales.

    I love that they have the Black Fredas Specials advertised as "An 8,100 Crown Value for 1,900 Crowns! Over 75% Off!" Because no one wants those consumables unless they're a new player or leveling a new character. Which means it's actually a 1,900 Crown mount...and a bunch of junk we already get in Daily Rewards and have to throw away.

    Those motifs are grossly overpriced even at that “discount”! I’m happy to buy some items from the Crown store (when they’re available) but others utterly baffle me with their price point.

    I totally agree about the mounts! I actually would find some of those consumables helpful as log in freebies but no way I’ll pay Crowns for making my mount useable. :unamused:
  • fierackas
    A whole lot of meh
  • LadyAstrum
    There isn't anything on sale that appeals to me on this occasion, though I do appreciate the 'free' outfit. Thank you, ZoS.

    What I do hope to see one day is new Imperial furnishings.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Jaimeh
    After all the issues with the new dlc, they could have shown some good faith and made a bigger selection (with houses etc.), and maybe an actual crown sale.
  • Taleof2Cities
    While I have no official comment, I will note that a prominent Discord server (that brokers crowns) calls this year's Black Fredas deals "poo".
  • winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO
    Yeah I was making a point not to expect anything specific (after doing research from the last few years of announcements)..

    But really? Absolutely nothing? That's a bit of a shock. Okay I can wait will spend elsewhere :p
  • Ekzorka
    Black Fredas in 2018: discounts for most of dlcs, even dungeon dlcs, merchant/banker, houses.
    Black Fredas in 2020: buy ESO+ to get a discount for BF pack.
  • voreo
    Not a very convincing sale to warrant me wanting Plus again, oh well. Back to Shadowlands.
    Argonian Dragonknight

  • Norith_Gilheart_Flail
    I truly, genuinely, bitterly rue the day I didn't buy in 2018 Erstwhile Sanctuary and Pariah's Pinnacle.

    I still play this game on the side, but I am understandably disengaged.

    I just want to throw money at you, but you aren't enabling me. Do you see the problem, ZOS?
  • Stewhammer
    If there was a crown sale I would giving you cash ZOS....
  • Langdon64
    I was hoping for some houses to return. It seems ZOS goes out of their way to make players unhappy. I don't know why they even bother hosting a forum. So many unhappy players they just ignore. Surely the moderators' time is more valuable than reading complaints that they have no power to resolve.
  • winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO
    Oh wait, i think it just clicked. In Australia, there are certain times of year that are known for nation wide sales.. for the last decade or so, these have turned out to actually be the worst times to buy anything, because retailers know the mainstream are going to save up for these events and just buy stuff regardless, so only the worst stuff goes on sale, or the better stuff is actually reduced LESS than when the retailer would naturally want to get rid of stock.

    This reeks like that, and australia copies many things from america so..

    We don't have thanksgiving over here so it took a bit to catch on.
  • SirLeeMinion
    Sigh. *puts unopened wallet back in pocket*
  • Foodbagger
    Hard pass, nothing looked good to me.
  • Nairinhe
    Honestly, I find it hilarious. People cried that ZOS cares only about the crown store and even that flopped hard.
    I mean, I'm not an expert on monetization but putting a bunch of old pixels on sale cannot cost much? Isn't it pure profit? Unless, I don't know, they are trying to make this sale as pathetic as possible to make some future offering look better.
  • Mujum
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah this is extremely lackluster. I was hoping for some sort of crown sale... At least make the damn packs more worthwhile, who wants a munted Guar mount anyway?
  • Michae
    I had 1,5 year worth of sub Crowns waiting to buy some house. Well, guess I'll have to try next year?
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • bluebird
    voreo wrote: »
    Not a very convincing sale to warrant me wanting Plus again, oh well. Back to Shadowlands.
    Same :smiley: I stopped playing ESO but specifically came back for Black Fredas to see if they will sell some of the LTO Houses I missed out on over the years. But nada. Logged in, spent 0 Crowns, logged out again. Meanwhile GW2 has returned tons of old mounts and skins, and I already bought 8k Gems and spent 6k of them, and their Black Friday sales are only just starting out, with even more stuff added over the next days.

    I'm not writing this to flex, just as a comparison, that they at least gave themselves the chance to make some sales, while ESO doesn't even want to try to sell their stuff, it seems. It's hard to make money if you don't even try selling 90% of your Crown Store selection, even on popular sales events like Black Friday.

    So I don't really understand how this benefits ESO, when their 2018 sales were hugely popular with people (returning Costumes, Houses, discounts on Assistants, etc). I spent around 30k Crowns in 2018 Black Friday (for 2 Houses and some other stuff), and literally 0 this year, even though there are 2 limited time houses I would have bought. Alas, back to greener pastures it is. :lol:
  • TheImperfect
    I quite like the sabre cat but I don't need the other things and 1900 is a lot for me when I'm waiting for other things that are very lovely and I have a few mounts already. It's really nice as is the guar.
  • kaisernick
    voreo wrote: »
    Not a very convincing sale to warrant me wanting Plus again, oh well. Back to Shadowlands.

    Thats the irony, i have ended up getting shdawolands now because of such a abismil "deal" from zeni.
    Its stupid, i mean here we and others are waiting to throw money at them and yet nothing.
  • Sirvaleen
    One positive QoL change lost in a sea of so many middle fingers this year..
    Well, Steam Autumn sales are there. I guess it's time for a little more diversity during my play time :p
  • Ekzorka
    bluebird wrote: »
    So I don't really understand how this benefits ESO
    "Killing it." (c)
    Edited by Ekzorka on November 27, 2020 7:11AM
  • This_0ne
    I still waiting for a discount on character slots. I just would get some crown packs and buy 7 slots on this BF. So disapoint...
    Edited by This_0ne on November 27, 2020 9:53AM
  • Ruhlf
    Yeah. It’s not great... Maybe they’re holding off for another event? Something in December having to do with housing - and we would’ve all been bummed out that we spent money now? Or felt tricked? So they’re just waiting?
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