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Was Crassius Curio a plagiarizer in addition to being a pervert?

If The Lusty Argonian Maid was already published in the 2nd Era, then Curio couldn't have been the true author.
"Argonians have fat, scaly tails." —Rissa Manyclaws.
"Once upon a time there were three sisters: Delicious, Delightful, and Disgusting. Now, Delicious and Delightful were both very pretty girls..." —Brendalyn Jurarde.
"I smell to the nobility." —Indrasa Avani.
"A bargain with an animal is not a contract made." —Haderus Atrimus.
"Redguard makeup for sale. Free samples. Secret ingredients. Unique application method. Lots of satisfied customers." —The Mudball Goblin (aka, Cognac Vinecroft)
"Your armor looks like underwear." —Shuns-the-Knife.
  • Aliyavana
    Na, i think that his book traveled back in time via gandranen ruins and created a bootstrap paradox where his books influenced the past.
  • Ringing_Nirnroot

    Hermaous mora is the true author
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Crassius Curio strives to re-invent himself in the image Vivec, but he is such a meagre spirit. He can only manage to violate the smallest of taboos. A bit of plagiarism here, a bit of creepiness there. He has such a long way to go before he will be able to *** the moon.
    PC EU
  • Aristocles22
    On the plus side, he's probably responsible for employing many Argonian ladies in the theater. Given what Argonians get up to (at least in Murkmire), he's probably not seen as so bad by Argonians themselves, even though the innuendos would fly over their heads.
  • goatlyonesub17_ESO
    There was an Argonian warrior in Grahtwood who described another female Argonian as "a tail-lifting fool." So apparently this tail-lifting business is the subject of some sort of moral injunction.
    "Argonians have fat, scaly tails." —Rissa Manyclaws.
    "Once upon a time there were three sisters: Delicious, Delightful, and Disgusting. Now, Delicious and Delightful were both very pretty girls..." —Brendalyn Jurarde.
    "I smell to the nobility." —Indrasa Avani.
    "A bargain with an animal is not a contract made." —Haderus Atrimus.
    "Redguard makeup for sale. Free samples. Secret ingredients. Unique application method. Lots of satisfied customers." —The Mudball Goblin (aka, Cognac Vinecroft)
    "Your armor looks like underwear." —Shuns-the-Knife.
  • Ratzkifal
    "The Lusty Argonian Maid - An oral tradition" by Telenger the Artificer has some answers on this. It is not plagiarism as much as Crassius Curio adapting a classic tale as old as time. Think of his book as the "Westside Story" to Shakespear's "Romeo and Juliet". Basically the same, but different. Telenger describes that there are many different versions of this story in the different parts of Tamriel, like "The lusty Bosmeri", "Two Moons for Sugar" and "The Sandy Spear of Alik'r" etc, and new adaptations and versions are constantly being made. There must be something about Curio's version (or the marketing around it) that made it very popular, which he probably does deserve credit for after all.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • vestahls
    Honestly, ZOS just wanted it in their game because it's such a classic. We shouldn't even take it as canon.
    “He is even worse than a n'wah. He is - may Vivec forgive me for uttering this word - a Hlaalu.”
    luv Abnur
    luv Rigurt
    luv Stibbons

    'ate Ayrenn
    'ate Razum-dar
    'ate Khamira

    simple as
  • WolvedOut
    vestahls wrote: »
    Honestly, ZOS just wanted it in their game because it's such a classic. We shouldn't even take it as canon.

    That's the most likely answer. I discussed this with some friends on Discord, and the only other idea we came up with was that it could have just been an adaptation.
    Discord: SoldieredOut
    Always Ready, Always There!
  • Thevampirenight
    The online version is written by Crassius Curio.
    The thing is, the book should be written later in the Third Era. Either that or Crassius Curio is a vampire, or the book is one of those time traveling ones.
    Its likely the time traveling thing is the most likely scenario that means Crassius Curio isn't even born yet.
    It might be in the Third Era since knowledge over time can be lost that it appears original, but in the second it might look like a copy cat work of something else. Its even possible, the other stuff is plagiarizing, Crassius Curio's work. Its possible he took inspiration from oral stories too then used those oral stories to write a tale.

    So Crassius Curio's work could be more like a remix of those older oral traditions and those traditions gone mainstream.. That does not mean Crassius Curio is a fraud. Because that would be sad because Crassius Curio can be met in Morrowind and the work was successful the book and I think was still being finished written at that time . So I personally would give Crassius Curio credit for his work. Given how it takes off no matter what timeline it in. It does mean he was talented enough to make it so successful. But its up to you guys/gals what you want to believe on that one I'm just giving my opinion here.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Maybe the character we met in TES III : Morrowind had assumed the name "Crassius Curio" as an alias. He's a total imposter. Not his name, not his book.
    PC EU
  • Aigym_Hlervu
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Na, i think that his book traveled back in time via gandranen ruins and created a bootstrap paradox where his books influenced the past.

    Aliyavana's correct, it's Gandranen. Other possibilities are not based on the currently depicted reality. At least yet.
  • This_0ne
    everything is simple. As far as I know, the work of Crassius is written in the genre of the play, the maiden of the 2nd era is written differently. Cassius just wrote a theatrical production based on.
    Edited by This_0ne on December 4, 2020 12:23AM
  • Ajaxandriel
    Maybe the character we met in TES III : Morrowind had assumed the name "Crassius Curio" as an alias. He's a total imposter. Not his name, not his book.

    I buy this one.

    Or TESIII is merely RETCONNED dragon-broken now.
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
    Ajaxandriel - haut-elfe gardien 50 ;
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    Artémidore de Corbeaulieu - bréton lame noire 50 ;
    Azothos Sadras - elfe noir sorcier 50 ;
    Celestras - haut-elfe sorcier 50 ;
    Diluviatar - elfe des mers sorcier 50 ;
    Dorguldun gro-Arash - orque sorcier 50 ;
    Hjarnar - nordique sorcier 50 ;
    Jendaya al-Gilane - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Sabbathnazar Ullikummi - elfe noir chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Selvaryn Virotès - elfe noire lame noire 50 ;
    Tahajmi - khajiit sorcière 50 ;
    Telernil - haut-elfe templier 50 ;
    Zadzadak - gobelin nécromancien 50 ;
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