Please can you re-implement deathmatch specific queues, BG is the only thing I really do in ESO and the combination of the game modes (especially with deathmatch being so rare I am happy if I get 5 in a whole day) has caused MAJOR issues that may have been not put into consideration when the specific queue was removed, namely not just the severe flaws with some of the objective modes but the fact there is zero consensus with what to even do in matches now. Mostly people just want to fight and do deathmatches but than being in a game where half of one team is playing the relic mode the other team is roving around 4 man premade killing everything and the other group is just sitting in base, it is a player behavior driven problem but it is caused entirely by design if you are forcing people to play modes they are not interested in.
There are a lot of people like me who for various reasons like lag or pace do NOT like cyrodil, IC is dead, and duels are a waste of time. Please don't take away the last bastion of playable PvP in your game by enforcing random queues on people who want to do BG, it is making it very toxic and not fun. Please, it's the only thing that keeps me wanting to make builds and try new things, when I get in 10 relic and landgrab games in a row my heart literally sinks. Thank you for letting us play with friends again but, why did it have to come at the cost of deathmatches which is what 90% of people who queue as a group are looking for, it's not to late do the right thing < 3 Gina or somebody we need your help