Deathlord92 wrote: »I can’t be the only person who plays a vampire stamblade.
Deathlord92 wrote: »I can’t be the only person who plays a vampire stamblade. I agree done a thread few months back asking for a way to increase blood scion duration. Vampire in general needs a buff or the skill cost increase should be removed.
Completely agree I’d much rather vampire got buffed then werewolf nerf. It would be cool and still fit the vampire theme if the nb siphon skills also increase the blood scion duration.Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Deathlord92 wrote: »I can’t be the only person who plays a vampire stamblade. I agree done a thread few months back asking for a way to increase blood scion duration. Vampire in general needs a buff or the skill cost increase should be removed.
I agree, Vamps could use a buff. WW are in an ok-ish spot and imho should not be touched (or they will be either too strong or too weak for any one to use them, just like in Elsweyr update).
So... maybe add something similar as WW's timer mini-game to Vamps ? On WW when you deal dmg or eat corpse - it adds more to WW time.
So maybe something similar could be added to Blood Scion ?
For example Feed passive or Blood Scion can have something like this added:
Every time you heal yourself with vampire abilities, add X seconds to the Blood Scion duration. This can occur every X seconds.
So basically, the more health you "steal" from the enemies - the longer the duration of the ultimate. Would fit perfectly into Vampire "theme".
I used to be part of a guild that was composed of RPers that hated PvP. However we were all vampires. I had finally coaxed them to take a chance on 'hunting' in the Imperial City Sewers after I found out we could feed on enemy players back when the IC first launched and it was pretty much a staple of that guild. It was a fun way to engage with one another in PvP and it got RPers to try something new and something they came to enjoy.
After Greymoor though? It died. They tried to last through May's patch, made feedback tickets, and there was nothing there. The guild disbanded entirely June 13th of this year and a good chunk of them barely play the game anymore. It was truly an end of an era. I've posted it in the majority of vampire threads that they need to reintroduce this mechanic back and give something back for engaging with feeding and keeping freshly fed. Will they? Probably not.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »I used to be part of a guild that was composed of RPers that hated PvP. However we were all vampires. I had finally coaxed them to take a chance on 'hunting' in the Imperial City Sewers after I found out we could feed on enemy players back when the IC first launched and it was pretty much a staple of that guild. It was a fun way to engage with one another in PvP and it got RPers to try something new and something they came to enjoy.
After Greymoor though? It died. They tried to last through May's patch, made feedback tickets, and there was nothing there. The guild disbanded entirely June 13th of this year and a good chunk of them barely play the game anymore. It was truly an end of an era. I've posted it in the majority of vampire threads that they need to reintroduce this mechanic back and give something back for engaging with feeding and keeping freshly fed. Will they? Probably not.
How ironic that Greymoor killed vampirism for eso.
JamieAubrey wrote: »Because WW are stamina and ZOS loves OP stam chars but seriously ? Why can a group of WWs run around Cyro killing and feeding to stay in WW for while Vamps have to go find the correct NPCs to feed on ?
JamieAubrey wrote: »Because WW are stamina and ZOS loves OP stam chars but seriously ? Why can a group of WWs run around Cyro killing and feeding to stay in WW for while Vamps have to go find the correct NPCs to feed on ?
Vampires have to steal/take health from npcs, correct?
Werewolves are eating carrion/corpses. No "lifeforce" left. Like essi2 said.
SOLDIER_1stClass wrote: »Okay cool, let's make vamps feed to extend ult.
However, ww now get to slot and use roar and hiricines bounty in human form and the 15% stamina regen increase is a natural passive and not a slotted passive. Additionally WW does not get health and resources back on ult to full like vamps since no negatives to ww in human form.
And in all honesty death should revert WW form
Now the lines are matched.
Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »
Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »SOLDIER_1stClass wrote: »Okay cool, let's make vamps feed to extend ult.
However, ww now get to slot and use roar and hiricines bounty in human form and the 15% stamina regen increase is a natural passive and not a slotted passive. Additionally WW does not get health and resources back on ult to full like vamps since no negatives to ww in human form.
And in all honesty death should revert WW form
Now the lines are matched.
Literally every single one of werewolf's abilities are better than what vampire has.
Asking to slot them as if they are equals is just ignorant
Also you seem to have forgotten the MOUNTAIN of negatives vampires get for just existing.
Want werewolf to get a lot of those too? Then they'd really be equal.
Right now werewolf is LEAGUES and bounds better than vampire. The lines are not even remotely close to being matched. If you think they're so much better/equal to werewolves and vamps being able to extend their ult duration pushes it overboard then yikes.
Also: Blood Scion doesn't restore resources to full. Never has. It just restores HP.
SOLDIER_1stClass wrote: »Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »SOLDIER_1stClass wrote: »Okay cool, let's make vamps feed to extend ult.
However, ww now get to slot and use roar and hiricines bounty in human form and the 15% stamina regen increase is a natural passive and not a slotted passive. Additionally WW does not get health and resources back on ult to full like vamps since no negatives to ww in human form.
And in all honesty death should revert WW form
Now the lines are matched.
Literally every single one of werewolf's abilities are better than what vampire has.
Asking to slot them as if they are equals is just ignorant
Also you seem to have forgotten the MOUNTAIN of negatives vampires get for just existing.
Want werewolf to get a lot of those too? Then they'd really be equal.
Right now werewolf is LEAGUES and bounds better than vampire. The lines are not even remotely close to being matched. If you think they're so much better/equal to werewolves and vamps being able to extend their ult duration pushes it overboard then yikes.
Also: Blood Scion doesn't restore resources to full. Never has. It just restores HP.
Bruh, na
WW only issue is its heal with hp stacking and heavy.
Change its heal to not be hp based or cap it and WW becomes killable.
WW have to use a very specific build to be successful.
As a vamp I have multiple avenues to use and can play with great success as a stam or mag character.
And if I'm in a bind well I'll ult and full health and finish what I was doing.
Vampire is not as underpowered as the complaints lead it to be.
Changing WW to revert on death allowing human access to roar and hiricines bounty, coupled with changing its heal and making regen a passive will bring WW and vamp in line with each other.
And as stated, WW won't get health restored on ult due to its lack of negative in human form.
The only thing I will agree on is after the recent vamp nerf, the ability increase cost needs to be reduced as well as its fire weakness. And give them access to feed for extension of ult
But in my opinion this highlights the problem with being able to wear heavy and still dish out damage over WW being an issue. Heavy should have a damage reduction penalty.
If rolls which medium relies on has a penalty. Heavy can take a hit in its damage department.
WTF is this really a thread? Because the two perform in completely different ways, WW form has a short duration which needs to be extended by feeding, and outside the form, you literally get no other benefit from being a WW, except slotting the ultimate grants you stam regen. When you are a vampire, you have the benefits and weaknesses at all times, you literally go and feed on an NPC and using foods can stay in whatever stage you want to at all times. If this was a thread about extending the duration of the Vamp ultimate, thatd be one thing, but the entire notion of being able to feed on players as a vamp is unecessary and somewhat ridiculous.
The two mechanics are not comparable. They are not the same in mechanics or need. The reality that WWs feed on corpses and vamps feed on living creatures coupled with the fact WWs have to constantly feed to stay in form and vamps do not have a constant feeding requirement speaks volumes.
Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »SOLDIER_1stClass wrote: »Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »SOLDIER_1stClass wrote: »Okay cool, let's make vamps feed to extend ult.
However, ww now get to slot and use roar and hiricines bounty in human form and the 15% stamina regen increase is a natural passive and not a slotted passive. Additionally WW does not get health and resources back on ult to full like vamps since no negatives to ww in human form.
And in all honesty death should revert WW form
Now the lines are matched.
Literally every single one of werewolf's abilities are better than what vampire has.
Asking to slot them as if they are equals is just ignorant
Also you seem to have forgotten the MOUNTAIN of negatives vampires get for just existing.
Want werewolf to get a lot of those too? Then they'd really be equal.
Right now werewolf is LEAGUES and bounds better than vampire. The lines are not even remotely close to being matched. If you think they're so much better/equal to werewolves and vamps being able to extend their ult duration pushes it overboard then yikes.
Also: Blood Scion doesn't restore resources to full. Never has. It just restores HP.
Bruh, na
WW only issue is its heal with hp stacking and heavy.
Change its heal to not be hp based or cap it and WW becomes killable.
WW have to use a very specific build to be successful.
As a vamp I have multiple avenues to use and can play with great success as a stam or mag character.
And if I'm in a bind well I'll ult and full health and finish what I was doing.
Vampire is not as underpowered as the complaints lead it to be.
Changing WW to revert on death allowing human access to roar and hiricines bounty, coupled with changing its heal and making regen a passive will bring WW and vamp in line with each other.
And as stated, WW won't get health restored on ult due to its lack of negative in human form.
The only thing I will agree on is after the recent vamp nerf, the ability increase cost needs to be reduced as well as its fire weakness. And give them access to feed for extension of ult
But in my opinion this highlights the problem with being able to wear heavy and still dish out damage over WW being an issue. Heavy should have a damage reduction penalty.
If rolls which medium relies on has a penalty. Heavy can take a hit in its damage department.
Care to talk about or name any of those avenues you use to be successful on vamp? And use all vampire skills since in your mind they are on par with Werewolf? The key identifier that says you don't have a single clue what you're talking about is you think vampire can work on stam characters. Lol.
If you think for a single second that werewolf is WEAKER than vampire right now? You're out of your god darn mind. I'm sorry, that's the truth.
Vampire is absolutely as underpowered as everyone says it is. It's a joke. This thread draws attention to the fact that werewolves can feed on players and vampires can't. They used to be able to feed on players. Why should that change?
And why shouldn't vampire have a way to stay in their ult longer?
Also are you suggesting that werewolf is weaker because a specific build works for it? I have some news for you: no build works for vampire/allows you to use the entire class. That's not "giving more options," that's being weak and not versatile.
And lastly if it isn't underpowered: why hasn't there been a single dang thread talking about how *good* vampire is in the months since the rework? Surely if you're right then why does everyone have an issue with it? Why am I being kicked from raid groups for trying to be a stage 4 vampire?
Why have there been multiple threads within the last WEEK talking about how good werewolf is?
Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »The two mechanics are not comparable. They are not the same in mechanics or need. The reality that WWs feed on corpses and vamps feed on living creatures coupled with the fact WWs have to constantly feed to stay in form and vamps do not have a constant feeding requirement speaks volumes.
But old vampire fed on players. Is it not flavorful for players at that point? Being able to ambush a player and fed on them?
At the very least feed on a mesmerized player?
Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »SOLDIER_1stClass wrote: »Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »SOLDIER_1stClass wrote: »Okay cool, let's make vamps feed to extend ult.
However, ww now get to slot and use roar and hiricines bounty in human form and the 15% stamina regen increase is a natural passive and not a slotted passive. Additionally WW does not get health and resources back on ult to full like vamps since no negatives to ww in human form.
And in all honesty death should revert WW form
Now the lines are matched.
Literally every single one of werewolf's abilities are better than what vampire has.
Asking to slot them as if they are equals is just ignorant
Also you seem to have forgotten the MOUNTAIN of negatives vampires get for just existing.
Want werewolf to get a lot of those too? Then they'd really be equal.
Right now werewolf is LEAGUES and bounds better than vampire. The lines are not even remotely close to being matched. If you think they're so much better/equal to werewolves and vamps being able to extend their ult duration pushes it overboard then yikes.
Also: Blood Scion doesn't restore resources to full. Never has. It just restores HP.
Bruh, na
WW only issue is its heal with hp stacking and heavy.
Change its heal to not be hp based or cap it and WW becomes killable.
WW have to use a very specific build to be successful.
As a vamp I have multiple avenues to use and can play with great success as a stam or mag character.
And if I'm in a bind well I'll ult and full health and finish what I was doing.
Vampire is not as underpowered as the complaints lead it to be.
Changing WW to revert on death allowing human access to roar and hiricines bounty, coupled with changing its heal and making regen a passive will bring WW and vamp in line with each other.
And as stated, WW won't get health restored on ult due to its lack of negative in human form.
The only thing I will agree on is after the recent vamp nerf, the ability increase cost needs to be reduced as well as its fire weakness. And give them access to feed for extension of ult
But in my opinion this highlights the problem with being able to wear heavy and still dish out damage over WW being an issue. Heavy should have a damage reduction penalty.
If rolls which medium relies on has a penalty. Heavy can take a hit in its damage department.
Care to talk about or name any of those avenues you use to be successful on vamp? And use all vampire skills since in your mind they are on par with Werewolf? The key identifier that says you don't have a single clue what you're talking about is you think vampire can work on stam characters. Lol.
If you think for a single second that werewolf is WEAKER than vampire right now? You're out of your god darn mind. I'm sorry, that's the truth.
Vampire is absolutely as underpowered as everyone says it is. It's a joke. This thread draws attention to the fact that werewolves can feed on players and vampires can't. They used to be able to feed on players. Why should that change?
And why shouldn't vampire have a way to stay in their ult longer?
Also are you suggesting that werewolf is weaker because a specific build works for it? I have some news for you: no build works for vampire/allows you to use the entire class. That's not "giving more options," that's being weak and not versatile.
And lastly if it isn't underpowered: why hasn't there been a single dang thread talking about how *good* vampire is in the months since the rework? Surely if you're right then why does everyone have an issue with it? Why am I being kicked from raid groups for trying to be a stage 4 vampire?
Why have there been multiple threads within the last WEEK talking about how good werewolf is?
I second this because there's more documentation out there that proves that werewolves are way more viable in most group scenarios than vampires considering that they have group passives. It's not about just 'stacking' health as they claim. I mean, if they're running proc metas, sure. You're only as 'viable' as long as the set lasts, but after that you have to build a werewolf like most other long-term lycanthropists. Considering where I've literally seen a pack of werewolves in Cyrodiil have nearly almost half an hour of 'goodboi' up time? I somehow doubt the validity in their claims. Stamina vamps are better off curing and rolling werewolf every time.
It's also hilarious that people state that vampires shouldn't feed on players... When they did before the revamp. Do you want to know the reason why they don't now? Because of the Blade of Woe killcam reskin. The fact that people here are stating that it doesn't make sense is rather astounding to how many people actually engaged with vampirism before and after. Yep, it must be a Sunday evening on the ESO forums.
Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »
That would be wonderfully unsettling if they used the jump-on-the-back animation, especially in a place like IC sewers. I mean it would startle the heck out of me and I’d probably swear up a storm, but it would have style lol
Vayln_Ninetails wrote: »The two mechanics are not comparable. They are not the same in mechanics or need. The reality that WWs feed on corpses and vamps feed on living creatures coupled with the fact WWs have to constantly feed to stay in form and vamps do not have a constant feeding requirement speaks volumes.
But old vampire fed on players. Is it not flavorful for players at that point? Being able to ambush a player and fed on them?
At the very least feed on a mesmerized player?
I do not recall feeding on a player so I do not know if this changed or not. However, it does not seem like a very big deal and the comparison to WWs is very off because a WW has a much greater need to feed.
Of all the things we want Zos to focus their attention on this sits near the bottom of the pile. It just seems so unimportant.