Looking for reference Mac spec running Big Sur that doesn't crash every 5-30 minutes.

Maintenance for the week of February 10:
• [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 12, 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
I'm trying various Macs and this game's wheels seem to have fallen off. If there is any hardware anyone is having success with, please post.

I thought ESO was pretty hopeless since the Murkmire MoltenVX fiasco, but now it's on a new level.
  • xPoisin
    Hi, I have fibe different macs with OS Catalina and Big Sur (also with Win Pro 10) but there is no difference in crashes :(
    I have tried to run it with internal graphic card, external graphic card but the game still crashes randomly. According to debug logs there is something wrong with the tame, causing several oveflows on some processes.

    With other games I have no issues...

    I have tested it on : iMac 2019, iMac Pro 2020, Macbook PRO 16”, MacbookPro 13”
    External graphic card was Radeon Vega 64
  • Nachtfrost
    My Setup: Macbook Pro 2018 / 16 GB RAM / Razer Core eGPU case / Radeon RX 580 / Big Sur

    Game crashes randomly, visual effects seems to have a role in here. I can run around in open world and collect ressources, no problem. In dungeons / raids, especially in boss encounters the game crashes randomly. We tried vSS and I kept crashing at first boss (as tank role...) at some random time during the encounter. The patch last week Monday didn't improve anything, still crashing.

    So far on Big Sur no issues with other games, just ESO.

    Second setup is on the same hardware, bootcamp Windows 10 partition, ESO on an external SSD. No crashes like these so far. I'd love to play on OSX, I don't want to reboot to play ESO.
  • HappyElephant
    My Setup: iMac 2019 / 32 GB RAM / 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel core i7 / Radeon Pro 550X 4 GB / Big Sur

    No game crashes.
    However, the use of combat skills starts to introduce severe rubber-banding and latency-spikes. Latency spikes have gone as high as 620 since the Markath patch in my case.

    To address the issue, you have to quit the client and relaunch it. It works fine for a while until the cycle repeats.
    Essentially you have to avoid using any of your combat skills. So no killing.

    I wonder if this is because of memory loss from poor quality code.
    Can a software engineer offer some insights?
  • Hauteecole_Rider16
    I'm currently using a 2017 iMac with 3.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5, 32 GB RAM, and Radeon Pro 570 4 GB. Fusion Drive. Very few issues, and I've noticed no difference pre/post Big Sur upgrade.

    Of course, typically I don't have any other apps open when I play ESO, or any kind of games. AND my iMac is hardwired into the modem.
  • Deter1UK
    I'm currently using a 2017 iMac with 3.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5, 32 GB RAM, and Radeon Pro 570 4 GB. Fusion Drive. Very few issues, and I've noticed no difference pre/post Big Sur upgrade.

    Of course, typically I don't have any other apps open when I play ESO, or any kind of games. AND my iMac is hardwired into the modem.

    I have the same machine but with 8 GB RAM,

    Very few issues, and I've noticed no difference pre/post Big Sur upgrade.

    I usually have TTC open in Chrome in the background . Also my iMac is hardwired into the modem

    I do have to remember to delete ShaderCache.cooked after each chapter / update though or it all goes pear-shaped ...
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