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Rotating double drops for dungeons and trials.

The stickerbook is a thing now and thats awesome. While trying to fill it up with some of my favorite sets yesterday I got an idea. Rotating double drops for dungeons and trials!

Imagine it. Every week one dungeon and one trial will drop double loot. This would be great for filling up the last of your weapons in your stickerbook and encourage people to run specific dungeons more. Dungeons that are run the least could really benefit from this. Moonhunter keep for example. Most group finder groups I match with for that dungeon immediately leave because few like that dungeon. If it had double drops for a week however I'm sure that would change.

As for trials. If you're in one of those guilds that run a trial every day during your prime game time this won't change much. But this would be great for those of us who aren't so lucky.
Edited by hexentb16_ESO on November 20, 2020 7:01PM
  • HappyDan
    It won't happen since it's sort of like a wow feature.
    I was talking to a guild mate of mine (wow refuge) and I was kidding that dungeons should have leaderboards like in arenas\trials so ppl can get more loot and well push scores then he told me it's a feature in wow.
    I think that's the reason alone it wont be in ESO
    I've never played wow but they do have couple of amazing mecanics, if the dev team would actually listen to the community is "borrow" some of wow's feature it can make the game 10 times better (same thing for wow btw) but I guess they just wanna release their 10000th horse with diffrent color pallet for 30$ instead of making it earnble ingame.
    Like what they did with the SS mount is good but they shouldn't stop there they should pump more stuff for people to actually redo older contnet (excavation is kinda meh), like make each wb/trial boss have a very low chance to drop a mount or a motif something that would actually make people wanna go and explore
  • hexentb16_ESO
    HappyDan wrote: »
    It won't happen since it's sort of like a wow feature.
    I was talking to a guild mate of mine (wow refuge) and I was kidding that dungeons should have leaderboards like in arenas\trials so ppl can get more loot and well push scores then he told me it's a feature in wow.
    I think that's the reason alone it wont be in ESO
    I've never played wow but they do have couple of amazing mecanics, if the dev team would actually listen to the community is "borrow" some of wow's feature it can make the game 10 times better (same thing for wow btw) but I guess they just wanna release their 10000th horse with diffrent color pallet for 30$ instead of making it earnble ingame.
    Like what they did with the SS mount is good but they shouldn't stop there they should pump more stuff for people to actually redo older contnet (excavation is kinda meh), like make each wb/trial boss have a very low chance to drop a mount or a motif something that would actually make people wanna go and explore

    You've got some good points there my dude. There may be hope though since they've done double dungeon drops before. Only for events though unfortunately.
    Edited by hexentb16_ESO on November 23, 2020 3:15PM
  • hafgood
    You are missing the point of the sticker book.

    The point is to get people doing old content and visiting overland zones they have long since left in order to farm for the items for the sticker book. Given that thats the aim why would they then make it easier by doing double drops?
  • hexentb16_ESO
    hafgood wrote: »
    You are missing the point of the sticker book.

    The point is to get people doing old content and visiting overland zones they have long since left in order to farm for the items for the sticker book. Given that thats the aim why would they then make it easier by doing double drops?

    Oof ZOS kind of dropped the ball then if that was their aim. The stickerbook only temporarily achieves that. Right now everyone is running old content to fill their books but that'll slowly drop off as the players get the sets they want the most collected. The rest of the collection will be filled by players simply progressing through the game(if they're new) and doing their daily dungeon and pledges. My point is that we'll be right back where we started in a month or two, perhaps even worse off since players won't need to go back to those dungeons for those sets after they've been added to their collection.

    If there was rotating double drops for one dungeon a week however there would probably be players going to that dungeon just to get easy money from selling stuff they loot. Or to farm armor pieces if they only have one lvl 50 character because they may decide that its the fastest method to get the traits they want. If the double drops also extended to styles you'd see a MASSIVE increase in those dungeons being run. This all happened during the Imperial City event.
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