Every time on the second round of mages being summoned, a bug is occurring that causes one (or more) of the mages to not explode after being killed. This causes Molag Kena to maintain her invincibility shield. The only way to workaround this is to burst her down before the second round begins. The group made multiple attempts at killing one mage at a time, so as to avoid an already known bug with this boss.
This occurred on Normal Dungeon Mode, on 11/17/2020 @ 10:20PM. I am unsure if this is affecting Veteran Dungeon Mode.
**Also, another known bug occurred in the same instance, that has been occurring numerous times. I've found posts about the following bug as early as March 2020;
Using the "Random Normal Dungeon Finder", the dungeon loaded in first as a Veteran Mode dungeon, before properly loading as a Normal Dungeon. Luckily, all four members were CP+, so we were all able to load in. However, if there had been anyone below the entry level for Veteran Dungeons, they would have not been allowed to enter the instance with us.
My understanding is the bug occurs due to the Party Leader having their Dungeon Mode set to Veteran on the Party Screen.