Cross Hair Misaligned...Help?


Not sure what happened, but my cross hair appears to be misaligned. Instead of directly infornt of me, it is about 2 inches to the right. So when you using a bow or attacking, I am always missing, when i move the cross hair on top of a target, it turns red and I hit it....

the same issue happens when I use the keyboard.

Anyone else ever have this problem?



  • ZOS_Chiroptera
    Hey @Zama666, I think this should help: If you go into Settings > Camera, you can change the horizontal and vertical position of the camera and therefore change the placement of the cross hairs.
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  • Zama666
    Thanks Chiroptera!!!

    Not sure how I messed that up in the first place.

    Maybe you find 3 Skyshards in your closet!
  • ZOS_Bill
    We appreciate knowing the solution posted has helped with the cross hairs. With the issue now resolved, we will be closing down the discussion.
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