Ceaveat: I know there was that flurry of tests that ZoS was doing on the live servers, and I must confess that I haven't had the time yet to go off and research what the results were, so apologies if this has already been discussed or tried.
Tonight there were like 50-60 of us against a ball group in cyro. It was maddening. The lag was bad enough, but the inability for us to even compete against them was insane. It's like a pseudo Volendrung. There just doesn't seem to be any sort of natural "counter" to them.
At any rate, I had a few ideas and thought I would share them, FWIW.
Limit on Healer Slots?
I know there was quite a bit of discussion about group healing and the like in cyro. Has a limit of healer "slots" in the group been suggested or tested? Sort of like in Undaunted dungeons, when you queue up. I don't know how many healers a "typical" ball group would have, but I wonder what the impact would be if there were only 1, or 2, or whatever. Granted, in the Undaunted dungeon queue, you can queue up as a DPS or tank, and actually be a healer, so I'm not sure how that would work in Cyro, but it was just something that popped into my head.
Same-Group Aoe Heal Cooldowns?
This may have been tried already as well ( know there were some tests on cooldowns, just don't what they were - some at least were at the player level, not group level, I think), but another twist might be to have a "same group cooldown" for AoE group heals. e.g. if someone in the group has recently cast an AoE group heal, no one else in the group can cast it until it cools down. Dunno.
Same-Group Damage Bonus
Another notion might be to give siege weapons or even certain skills/abilities a bonus if they hit a certain percentage of the members of the same group at once. We were sitting there slamming this ball group with several meatbag catapults and it was like a flea bite to them lol. The thought here being that it wouldn't prevent people from forming ball groups if they wanted to, but it would allow some sort of "counter" to them, other than just waiting for them to make some mistake in their rotations, movement, etc. (I've no idea how they work really, as I've never been in a ball group).
At any rate, I hope some sort of balance can be found that won't discourage grouping altogether. This ball group rampage fest every night really takes a great deal of fun out of Cyro, at least for me.
Off to try and find any sort of posts about the testing and what is to come, if anything.