Hello! We all are very aware of the issues dungeon finder have had over the years, and continue to have.. even tho I have actually seen some very nice progress lately! I actually felt that devs are working on it and improving it, that actually helped. But I have also noticed some new issues now, since the last 2-3 days and I wonder if more people have them?

Basically, I queued up for a random normal as I do everyday but realized it never popped, despite waiting over 1 hour as a healer.. This is not new issue however, as que can sometimes freeze. So I decided to re-que, which usually works. But it didn't allow me this time..?? I couldn't leave que! I restarted the entire game, and logged back in - que restarted and still didn't allow me to leave it, and it still didn't pop. I decided, okey, let's just leave it and try another day.
Next day, I tried making a half pre-made group with my friends for pledges, and to que for the automated teleport and final person. Same issue. We passed lead around, hoping that it worked for someone. It didn't. Every single person relogged/restarted. At one point it got out of que during this, and we decided to find the 4th member manually and tried again. Still the same. So we ended up porting in ourselves. After pledges, we were still in queue but as we were done, we tried to leave group and continue with our day. Didn't work. We were stuck as a group + in queue. It ended with us relogging to other alts and do something on them.. Upcoming day I logged into that character I saw I was alone, so I assumed it worked in the end and someone disbanded group.
A few days later, I logged into my healer (from the situation at the top) and realized that I WAS STILL IN THE QUEUE! I am literally stuck in it forever and ever. It simply just resetted time when I came back, but still in queue search.. I have just sent a ticket about this to devs, but I felt this problem deserves some attention. Has anyone else been running into it? Haven't seen a thread.
@Countdownical Experienced High-End Raider - PC EU - Here since Feb 27, 2014.
Lead of Flipping Coins - Rawl'kha, Reaper's March.
Lead of Rolling Coins - Belkarth, Craglorn.
Lead of Shining Coins - Elden Root, Grahtwood.
All are TRADE Guilds. Contact me for invites!