So, I don't normally post here but I wanted to suggest this so that maybe my voice will join a chorus of other voices asking for this.
As a player, we have the ability to run a 5 piece set, a 5 piece set and a 2 piece monster set. On my character, I have 8 different 5 piece sets and 4 different monster sets, all used for different content and different purposes. It would be so nice if we could have an option to 'save' our gear setup in the outfit tab and label it, so that we could equip them all with a single action rather then searching our inventory and replacing all our armor, weapons and jewelry. I'm not gonna quit the game or anything, but I personally believe it would be a nice addition and I was surprised it didn't happen with the outfit update.
I'm sure PC players can get around this using addons, but us console plebs are stuck.
Anyway, if you could maybe consider it, I would appreciate it.
Thank you.
~ JJ