Just a friendly suggestion. Rather than splitting up the Champion Points System into three specific trees, you could combine the three trees into one. If this was to happen, the possibilities of what this entails would be endless. An example of this, hybrid builds could jump from being somewhat usable to completely viable (something I would really love to see). This would allow the user to really spec their character and carefully choose what points they should invest into. They'll be trading off survivability (tankiness and sustain) for damage or vice versa. Obviously this requires the whole champion point system to be rebalanced cause using 810 champion points would be a very bad idea. Either reduce the amount of champion points we can use or rebalance the Champion trees themselves (btw still some really useless points, make them more useful!). This is purely a suggestion so take some interesting notes and write some comments about them as you see fit about your own suggestions too!
Edited by Nebula_DooM on November 14, 2020 9:28AM