This is simply not true. Do your daily writs with the maximum amount of characters available to you.Most players that aren't in a trade guild can't even afford that kind of gold.
All the stuff you mentioned is vanity items. You either get them yourself or pay others for convenience.This is simply not true. Do your daily writs with the maximum amount of characters available to you.Most players that aren't in a trade guild can't even afford that kind of gold.
I don't talk much on here. I also know that I could grind for things but does anyone else think the pricing of items in guild traders is starting to get a bit out of hand? 300k and up for motiff pages both old and new, 500k to a million for style pages both old and new. 3 million and up for runeboxes. Most players that aren't in a trade guild can't even afford that kind of gold. I'm honestly at the point that I kind of wish ZOS would step in and semi control how high someone can make something in price cause its getting to be a bit ridiculous.
All the stuff you mentioned is vanity items. You either get them yourself or pay others for convenience.This is simply not true. Do your daily writs with the maximum amount of characters available to you.Most players that aren't in a trade guild can't even afford that kind of gold.
300k and up for motiff pages both old and new, 500k to a million for style pages both old and new. 3 million and up for runeboxes.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »There's one real problem here and one imaginary problem.
The real problem is the phenomenon of cartel-like behavior by certain players and guilds, who, as has been said, buy up the entire market of a certain commodity and then charge a ridiculous price since they are now the only ones selling it. The real world has anti-monopoly regulation to discourage this type of behavior, though there are exceptions such as OPEC and the major sporting leagues.
The imagined problem is high prices for items when there is no cartel-like behavior at play. That is simply supply and demand and many of those items are difficult and/or time-consuming to obtain and you, as the buyer, ought not be able to tell the seller what their time and effort is worth.
This, expensive motif pages tend to be newer dlc dungeon pages.Araneae6537 wrote: »There are lots of style and motif pages not nearly that expensive, especially after an event has made them relatively plentiful. The motifs and style pages that you’re talking about are rare, requiring completing more challenging content and fortunate RNG besides or, in the case of style pages, possibly not even available anymore.
What would happen if there were price caps? Simple. No one would sell them at all any more, not through guild traders that is. Instead they would trade them for gold or Crowns and it would be overall more difficult to acquire.
Gosh, you mean that expensive stuff is expensive? That's quite the news.
Yes, there are expensive items, just like irl.
The fact that it is too expensive for you do not mean it's too expensive. It means you don't care enough about the item to pay its price.