Hi there... just wondering if anyone could help or give an opinion on my build.
I'm a magden, so I know it's not the hardest hitting DPS build - I have the bear ultimate.
Head/Shoulders: Ilambris
All body: Julianos
Weapons/Jewellery: Mother's Sorrow
Front bar: Mother's Sorrow Lightning (Precise)
Back Bar: Maelstrom Inferno (Infused - not perfected)
Jewellery is all Bloodthirsty...
Everything is gold.
Mundus: Lover (because my back bar crit is woefully low on the back bar - front bar crit is about 66% with lover and 10CP in spell penetration).
I also have a Maelstrom Lightning Staff - should I be using this instead?
Are the traits on my weapons and jewellery ok?
For rotation, I'm using Blue Betty and Channeled Acceleration on the back bar before going to the front bar for Deep Fissure, Winter's Revenge... back bar for Unstable Wall, Pulsar and then front bar again for heavy attacks and force pulse - bear ultimate whenever it's ready.
For the record, I haven't completed a parse, but in 4-man dungeons I usually do about 50% of the damage unless everyone else has more CP than I do (I have 560). Then I end up doing anywhere from 20-50%.
I've been thinking about swapping out Julianos for BSW or NMA when I am able to craft it.
Never done any trials... am I at a point where I now need trial gear?
Any help would be appreciated... thank you.