New Sets Collection

Hi all

Most of you know you can now easily collect all sets (gear, weapons,jewelry) in your library and its possibly to remake them with other traits by using transmute crystels.

Normally when you wanted to change traits you had to pay 50 transmute stones. Could it be that now by remaking specific gear , that it costs you less then the 50?

My other question would be : what exactly do you need to do for the sets to appear in your collection? Do you actually need to wear them ?
Or can you just sell them without wearing them and it still adds to the collection.

I am asking because i notice that sometimes it takes rather long for an item to come up in your collections

Best Answers

  • Taunky
    The cost of reconstructing an item of a set will be significantly less for each piece of that set you have bound. For example, if you have all of the False God pieces collected, it will cost less to reconstruct one of those set pieces rather than if you were to have only one collected.

    For sets to appear in your collection, you can wear or deconstruct them (I believe you can also sell them as junk to Merchants). If you play on PC, check out the addon BindAll. It allows you to type /bindall which in return, binds all non-bound items to your collections without actually equipping them.
    Answer ✓
  • Taunky
    Unable to edit my previous reply, but another good one is Dungeon Champions. It reveals the location of bosses in Delves & Public Dungeons.
    Answer ✓
  • Elvenheart
    Also, if you right click an unbound piece there is a “bind” option in the little drop-down menu. And if you sell an unbound item to an npc vendor it won’t go into Collections until you sell enough items to npc vendors to push it out of the buy back tab. At that point you’ll get the new items added to Collections message. And if you, say, run a dungeon with other players and get items that you can trade with other group members for awhile after you finish the dungeon, those items will not go into Collections until the timer is up for trading them, or you manually bind them. So you might sign off the game immediately after running a dungeon, then sign on the next day and be greeted with items being added to Collections messages 🧙‍♀️
    Edited by Elvenheart on November 9, 2020 4:21AM
    Answer ✓
  • eMKa8
    Nice tip for the bind-all addon !

    Are there any other must have addons if you want to complete every region. Stuff like skyshard s and lorebooks which show all the places ?

  • Taunky
    eMKa8 wrote: »
    Nice tip for the bind-all addon !

    Are there any other must have addons if you want to complete every region. Stuff like skyshard s and lorebooks which show all the places ?


    In addition to the ones you've already listed, you can also check out Quest Map & Rare Fish Tracker.
  • Elvenheart
    I have not used the BindAll add on, but one thing you might want to consider is that if you have duplicate items in your inventory, for example, 10 rings of mother’s sorrow, it might be better to just bind one of them and sell the other unbound ones on a guild trader. That’s just an example off the top of my head, and I don’t really know how the BindAll add-on deals with duplicate items like that.
  • zaria
    Elvenheart wrote: »
    I have not used the BindAll add on, but one thing you might want to consider is that if you have duplicate items in your inventory, for example, 10 rings of mother’s sorrow, it might be better to just bind one of them and sell the other unbound ones on a guild trader. That’s just an example off the top of my head, and I don’t really know how the BindAll add-on deals with duplicate items like that.
    You can right click on an item and select bind. I tend to do that on items I want to keep or items I sell to vendors and dungeon and trial sets I keep after run.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
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