Vateshran 2handers proc

Hi there, i just wanted to point out something i noticed when trying the new vateshran 2h weapon.

good thing is that it stacks on both sloted bar and backbar, you get the 38wd/stack for both bars too, but when it comes to the "on use" part of the weapon it's starts behaving unconsistantly.

In fact, once you get to 5stacks and fires the heavy attack on "equiped bar" everything is fine => proc fires, stacks are lost but when you use a heavy attack from backbar you lose all 5 stacks but not the dmg proc.

2things then:
-either make it so heavy attacks from backbar dont trigger the dmg but dont consume stacks neither
-or make heavies from backbar fire the dmg alongside the stacks' drop, even with a reduced dmg if it has to be that way (to keep the incentive on using the proc on the 2hand bar and not make it a vpp backbar weapon like maelstrom bow is to pve stams)

  • zvavi
    It consuming the stacks on backbar without doing anything is definitely a bug.
  • MellowMagic
    The damage seems kinda underwhelming too espeically fof a fully charged heavy, if I used this set I probably wouldnt even use the proc. Just keep the 200~ weapon damage up at all times.
    PC / NA @MellowMagic
    Imperial named with some sort of variation of "Deo"
    By the Divines...
  • Jierdanit
    The damage seems kinda underwhelming too espeically fof a fully charged heavy, if I used this set I probably wouldnt even use the proc. Just keep the 200~ weapon damage up at all times.

    That is for PvE i suppose xD
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • Dunning_Kruger
    Idk I just tested this on my back bar and it does consume stacks and it does do the damage. Not sure what’s happening on your end.
    A G G R O - the legendary stamplar GM of <HALL MONITORS>

    For the Queen bby
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