It is really not funny. I did all achivments, get all weapons exapt the one i needed !
I only can not gain shield and sword !
Is it ok with arenas ? We have company and always the weapon we need drops last ?
You can drop 50 bows but if you need something - NOPE.
Pls if some next arena do drop not be so random !
I already run arena for 30 minutes, again and again and again and again and again. But i can not drop what i need.
It is not funny at all !
For players it is not funny to do 100+runs on old vMa before it was changed, 100 more on it after perfect vMA stuff was added just to get it.
And the same ... again

Add option to exchange weapons as example or get parts of it to trade to another weapons.
It is bad that some get all from 1 st run and other must go for it for hundred times !!!
It is not funny at all

As example on 10th run you can get any
one weapon you need in the end, not random one.
Because it is no garanty that you will do million runs and get it if you have very bad luck.
Edited by AyaDark on November 6, 2020 7:44AM